Ya’ll are too sweet.
Thanks for putting my mind at ease that i do NOT in fact sound like a mouse.
The Q&A part one was so much fun and i’m excited to answer the rest of y’alls questions within the next week. Also, can i just say that today feels like a Monday and my brain is all over the place, which should make for some interesting reading for y’all, woot woot.
. . .
I figured it was time for an update on the progress of the hall bath.
To give you a refresher, here is what i was working with:

One friday night i taped everything off and threw a chair in the tub so i could reach to cut in; hey us shorties know how to improvise!
Let me just say that when this color first started going on i found myself thinking oh my gosh it looks SO BLUE which was not what i wanted.
This is actually the same grey that i used to pain the nook in my kitchen, so i found myself scratching my head thinking well crap. This just goes to show the difference on coloring due to natural light vs artificial.
{This is an older picture, i actually have different curtains now, hmmm i should show y’all those sometime}

Back to the hall bath, gosh guys stop getting me distracted.
After a night of trimming in (two coats, three in some areas) the next day i painted.
& painted…
& painted…
Can i just say that painting behind/around a toilet is insane and disgusting? Since maria uses this bathroom i politely asked her to double clean it (she keeps it clean always duh) since i would be mounting it awkwardly to cut in the trim. Yes, i just said mounting it awkwardly you’re welcome.
I wish i had her take a picture of me doing this, it was seriously weird.
I’m also 100% positive and ok with the fact that i didn’t fully paint behind the toilet.
Why not? Because NO ONE will ever look behind my toilet, unless y’all come over…then you know my secret. It was also a pain in the butt to paint AROUND the light fixture when i had half an inch between the light and the wall, half an inch is not even an exaggeration either.
Could i have taken it off of the wall? I suppose so but that would require A. patience B. knowledge on how to do that and C. bringing in a different light so i could see to paint.
Ain’t no body got time for that
{yes i had to pull that pun}
. . .
So here is the painting & trim {baseboards that were hideously discolored} finished and a new xl shower curtain {from bed bath and beyond} i put up just two days ago.
After a night of trimming in (two coats, three in some areas) the next day i painted.
& painted…
& painted…
Can i just say that painting behind/around a toilet is insane and disgusting? Since maria uses this bathroom i politely asked her to double clean it (she keeps it clean always duh) since i would be mounting it awkwardly to cut in the trim. Yes, i just said mounting it awkwardly you’re welcome.
I wish i had her take a picture of me doing this, it was seriously weird.
I’m also 100% positive and ok with the fact that i didn’t fully paint behind the toilet.
Why not? Because NO ONE will ever look behind my toilet, unless y’all come over…then you know my secret. It was also a pain in the butt to paint AROUND the light fixture when i had half an inch between the light and the wall, half an inch is not even an exaggeration either.
Could i have taken it off of the wall? I suppose so but that would require A. patience B. knowledge on how to do that and C. bringing in a different light so i could see to paint.
Ain’t no body got time for that
{yes i had to pull that pun}
. . .
So here is the painting & trim {baseboards that were hideously discolored} finished and a new xl shower curtain {from bed bath and beyond} i put up just two days ago.
I would say it is already looking 100% better!
The paint & shower curtain really brightens up the room and it is no longer a dark dank cave.
Why we keep leaving the lid up? I have no idea.
Hall Bath List:
Paint walls.
Touch up base boards.
Buy new shower curtain.
Paint vanity.
Frame out mirror.
Build shelves over toilet {4?}.
Hang pictures {gallery wall}.
Find cute towel hook.
Change knobs on vanity.
New rug.
New door to bathroom.
Re-paint ceiling white.
. . .
So i’ve still got a lot to do…but progress is progress right?
It's looking great!! I really like that color on the walls. It really did lighten up the room!! Our whole apartment is tan so we've been having to improvise with it!
Nice work! It definitely looks so much brighter already (even without any natural light!). I love what you did with your kitchen nook so I can't wait to see how this bathroom turns out. 🙂
Nice! It DOES look a lot better, good job! It's fun seeing it progress, I like these posts 😀
I love it! I think the color makes it look a little spacier somehow. Great job!
We are in the process of redoing our bath too! Yours definitely looks great thus far.
It's already looking so good! It's amazing what paint can do.
Great color…I think the floor looks better with it than the old color.
LOVE your bathroom redo. It looks great! 🙂
Oh girl, it is looking SO good! I love it!
THAT LOOKS SO GOOD!! I love that color of blue. That is so funny that you thought it was too blue at first. I did the exact same thing painting my bathroom blue! But then I actually started painting it a different color…and then went back and repainted it the first color. It was a nightmare…especially around the toilets! You are right! It looks amazingggg.
so great!!! i love that color!!
Wow, girl. It's already looking super amazing! Good for you! 🙂