Last week i got a little raw with my Frankly Friday.
Well heads up, i’ll be doing it again.
God’s been moving in my heart without me even fully noticing. He kicked my butt last night spiritually and physically to remind me of some of his truths. Truths I had chosen to overlook for a while; truths that are resonating within my Spirit and i feel compelled to share with you today.
Conviction = Accountability
Accountability = Humility.
Living a Godly life = being honest.
Resisting temptation is a daily battle.
Now that that is out of the way…
Friend, lovely, beautiful woman or handsome man of God.
You are cherished.
I am cherished.
We are set apart and if we have accepted Jesus as our Savior then we are given new mercies and abundant grace every single morning.
Take that knowledge as a fact.
But let’s get honest for a second, real, transparent.
The truth is, i struggle so that means i know you struggle too.
Sin is such an ugly thing…yet still so tempting.
You know when you’ve got a “handle” on the sin that is a thorn in your side and somehow something throws you off and it becomes a struggle again? Yeah, me too.
Sin is delicious.
Was that scandalous? Meh i don’t think so, because it’s true.
Sin tastes good when we’re in the midst of it. It feels good, Satan is a beautiful temptress.
Sin is crafty, brilliant, sneaky. It can wrap its way around your heart in one tiny–translucent spider-web string…hardly noticable. Then before you know it, you’re heart is being constricted by this sin you’ve overlooked – chosen to overlook.
Sin is nasty business.
I’m here to tell you, you’re not alone.
Nope, not even in that sin that you think is so disgusting.
The one that only the walls of your own bedroom know from crying out to God.
You are so not alone.
Our hearts are fickle, and un-trustworthy, and bent towards sin. Our nature is to follow the flesh, to give in to it. Sometimes i look around at the lives that don’t have a relationship with Jesus and think “man, that looks…enticing“. I know it isn’t fulfilling. I know it would lead only to hurt and pain…yet my flesh attempts to trick me into believing that it would be fun, or interesting, or…exciting.
When you’re not taking the time to bend your sinful heart towards God – the flesh gets stronger.
I can tell you that from personal experience.
It’s easy to fall into temptation, sometimes you jump at the chance.
It can look so good.
But here’s the thing; you and I both know that once you’re out of the temptation, the sin has happened, and you’re left alone with your thoughts…guilt encompasses you.
And not just guilt but frustration, brokenness, anger, despair…
…sin leaves you hollow.
So i’m here before you today to remind you that within your struggle, you’re not alone.
If you think your sin is too big, or too disgusting, or too taboo – God doesn’t think so.
That’s why He sent His son Jesus to bring healing and salvation.
God offered us a way out…a way to be free from the bondage of sin.
Will we still sin? Yes. Undoubtedly yes.
But we have Jesus.
We have a Savior who reaches into our sin, pulls us out, cleanses us, and says sin no more.
He offers forgiveness.
His life pours out love.
He desires to cradle your heart and protect it.
We have to only say Yes.
It will be a rough journey.
Full of thorns, cuts, snares, and traps.
We will fail.
But we get right back up by holding onto the hand of Jesus and continue down the narrow path. We listen to His guidance, we soften our hearts to His word, we follow His conviction. With His help, we set our lives in motion for forgiveness, redemption, and righteousness.

i need to be reminded of this. all. the. time.
it is SO much easier to fall back into sin than to say no and follow what Jesus says is right and true.
i was hanging out with a friend the other day and just confessing that i had not been spending the personal quiet time with Jesus that i needed to. and when i don't, my heart definitely feels it.
thanks for being so real and transparent, amy. you are most definitely not alone in the struggle with sin. it is something that will continue until Jesus comes back and makes ALL things new. i cannot wait for that day! until then, as believers, we need to hold on to Jesus for dear life, and walk beside one another as we share the good and the bad.
thanks for sharing you heart, sweet sister.
Amen. Sin always seems like it feels good in the beginning, but like you said, it leaves you hollow (couldn't have said that one any better!).
Your transparency is inspiring girl, it really is. 🙂
Mmmmmm. Good stuff, Amy!
Thank you so much for being so vulnerable! Isn't God so amazing – convicting us of our sins and offering His grace so readily!
thank you for your honesty and vulnerability.
You are so right. Sin really is delicious. If it wasnt, then it wouldnt be hard NOT to sin, right? it would be cake (well, not really cake… but really disgusting cake). We'd know to steer away from it. But instead it looks good, feels good, tastes good, and often promises us happiness and fulfillment. But little do we know the bitter, destructive roots it bears. All the more important to surrender all of us, the seen and unseen sides of us, to God and trust that He will walk with us and lead us away from those lies
Great post! These are reminders that I constantly need! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Beautifully written! Sin can seem great in the beginning and not so big of a deal… but as time goes on and you continue down that path it just leaves you feeling empty and full of regret. Luckily we have a God bigger than all of that.
Of all the depth of this post… my favorite is your reminder over and over that we aren't alone. God gave us a Christian family to walk with on this journey… so good to remember that when we are being attacked by Satan.