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i probably won’t keep writing it in sequence…i’m constantly jumping ahead or behind in my mind (and in my saved drafts) telling their story. then again i might write their story in sequence – i haven’t really made up my mind. i’ve even written a few stories that don’t include cayden & james. i might start sharing some of them too…if y’all would be interested.
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Also if y’all would pray for me today (and tobi). I think he’s getting another UTI and I just can’t afford to take him into the vet. Of course the vet(s) tell me “it could turn into crystals which could turn into a blockage and that is deadly”….definitely not helping my sanity right now. He’s still his feisty little self, I have the scratch marks on my legs and arms fresh this morning to prove it, I can just tell something is off. *sigh*. I even had to take one of my anxiety medications last night so I would actually sleep and not get out of my bed every 15 minutes to check on him. If i’m this stressed out over a cat – I don’t want to think about children.
ohhhh myyyy gosh. keep writing. i love them. flirty coffee shop conversations for the win 😉
poor tobi! i'll be praying he gets better and that your anxiety will fade, friend!
You're too cute and too talented!
Girl, I'll br praying for your sweet tobi! I can't even imagine how stressful that is! Keep us updated!
I'm loving these stories!!! You really have a gift! And I really hope Tobi gets better soon. UTI's SUCK!
i want more!!
LOOOVE your writing!! Keep it coming 🙂
Sorry about Tobi :/ praying he gets to feeling better! Strange Q but is cranberry juice bad for a cat? And would he drink it? If it's a UTI, the juice may cleanse his system? Idk…just a thought. Praying!
I'm hooked on this story! Praying for you and sweet Tobi, girl!
Definitely keep writing! I'm sending up a prayer right now for you and Tobi.
Oh gosh, don't even worry about being too stressed. Pets are such an important part of the family; they are irreplaceable! I can totally relate on the worrying level; just last night I let the dog sleep right next to me huge, bulky e-collar and all smacking into my face every 10 minutes. I pray that what's bothering Tobi proves to be something easily fixable or insignificant and not what you think it is. 🙁
I did enjoy reading your story! I went ahead and read parts 1 and 2 and I'm hooked! You've definitely inspired me to start writing again — I've gotten so bad at following through with different projects. Wishing I still had that writing critique group from my college days!
Loving this, girl! I love that imagery with the slosh of the coffee. That detail was perfect and definitely something I would do in that situation. 🙂
And I'll be praying for Mr. Tobi (that's my official new name for him, just so you know) and you! I hope he gets better soon and that it all works out. Having sick loved ones–pets included!–stinks.
K, this post just made my night! More of the story! I still
love where you're going with it. I would love to read more of your fiction – so share away!
Sorry about Tobi! That is just no fun at all….
LOVE. Are they all set in the coffee shop? You could have a coffee shop series. The Coffee Shop Chronicles. Haha. Keep em coming, I love these!
I am super behind on reading (just now catching up) so I hope that Tobi is okay now!
Also, I think my favorite parts of your writing are always the awkward moments. Just because I can so relate. 😉