i have another installment in bailey’s story for you today.
bailey – her story weighs on my heart.
it is continually knocking, asking to be written, to be explained, to be felt.
i’m still at a cross roads as to where this is going to go – but i felt like this moment needed to be shared.
if you have yet to meet bailey, read part one & part two first, backstories are crucial.

the silence consumed the moment.
his feet shuffled causing the leaves on the rose stems to bristle together.
such a weird sound to break this weighted silence.
can i come in? he asked.
she stepped back, allowing a sliver of space for him to pass.
his steps were purposeful as he made his way through the foyer, turning the corner that led to the den; almost as if he was reclaiming what she forced him out of.
she stood there, collecting herself, rearranging the features on her face to be set in a neutral – give nothing away reflection.
deep breath in.
deep breath out.
the faucet in the kitchen was running and she heard the cabinets open and close, with the clink of glass hitting the counter; she knew he was putting the three roses in water, how thoughtful.
up until this point she was wading through denial and isolation.
there was no way isaac, her isaac, could cheat. the isaac who rubbed her back, comforted her in sickness, took her on surprise day trips, bought flowers and chocolates just because – the isaac she fell in love with.
no, that isaac would never run after another woman. so who was this isaac.
she found her way to her usual seat on the couch – leery of the fact that he was sitting only a few feet away.
he was staring at her.
taking in the damage she assumed.
now she felt stupid for letting the last three weeks waste her away – because she knew what he saw – brokenness.
she wanted to be strong, to feel strong, or to at the very least – appear strong.
strength had been the last emotion on her list.
you look niceβ¦
he smiled.
she winced.
don’t lie to me isaac, we both know i look like garbage.
the words felt like acid on her tongue.
full of bitterness and pain.
she watched him take the snap, absorb it, shake it off, and continue.
no, bay, you do not look like garbage.
anger rose.
words spilt over.
you’ve made me feel like it.
she settled him with a look that could peel paint off the walls.
his eyes glistened.
i’m so sorry, he responded.
his palms wiped down the thighs of his jeans, she could tell he was fighting the urge to move closer to her.
you haven’t responded to my calls or texts he half whispered.
she saw a broken man.
but a man still hanging on to pride.
it took him 3 weeks to come to her door, their door.
why so long?
she had spent many nights restless thinking of it.
was he with her.
you didn’t respond to the vows of our marriage isaac.
her anger was rising – anger she didn’t realize she had until she saw him.
him – sitting there – looking, feeling she was sure, hurt and confused. but who was HE to feel that way, she thought, he knew what he was doing, she was blind sighted.
he sighed letting his head fall into the cradle of his hands.
Bay, you have every right to be angry.
she noticed the thickening hair on his jaw line – so out of character.
just like everything else.
the silence continued.
Sam said she hasn’t heard from you.
sam – why would she want to talk to the friend who set them up.
their life was crumbling.
he stared at her.
as if he was willing the words to escape her mouth.
what did he want her to say?
i love you? i’ve missed you? i’ve had nightmares with your empty spot next to me?
tears formed in her eyes.
you broke everything isaac.
happy writing friends.
Literally just finished reading your email and then realized that you posted a new Bailey installment…perfect timing! Ha ha.
Bailey makes my heart hurt. Everyone has felt that feeling of heartbreak in some way, shape or form. It's miserable. I think I feel so sad for her because not only is she hurt by the actions of someone who is supposed to be her everything, but she is really beating herself up too.
Can't wait to see what happens!
each installment keeps getting better and better Amy. waiting patiently to see what happens next..
I unfortunately can identify with Bailey's story and you've done such a beautiful job with it. Can't wait to hear more!
Ohhhh my gosh. I am hooked. I can't wait to see where this is going to go… on the edge of my seat, girl.
Ohhhh my gosh. I am hooked. I can't wait to see where this is going to go… on the edge of my seat, girl.
this was good! I can't wait to see where the rest of it goes π
So, so good.
And that picture? Perfectly captures how I thought Bailey would be.
Also, for some reason, I'm really interested in this Sam guy?? I don't know why. Hmmm.
Great writing as always! π
Great chapter! You're sooo good at getting the REAL feelings out there. π
You've made each of them so vivd that I can't decide which character I'm going to relate to and "side with" just yet! Obviously, I get Bailey…but then, Isaac seems really disappointed, especially with himself and what he's lost by hurting Bailey.
We'll just have to see!
Mmmm…this is good. Like it's almost soothing to my soul, you know? Bailey is such a unique character and a character I'm excited to learn more about, too.
But let's take a second and talk about writing, shall we? Seriously, you need to STOP. All of the details, the emotions, you ability to take emotions and create such vivid imagery with your words, your character development, and your storyline? All amazing. So, so amazing.
I'm excited to see what happens next for Bailey and Isaac!
p.s. I totes saved your post. And just so you know, I AM one of those girls who saves the best for last. π
this storyline is so chilling. does that even make sense? it's like i can feel the chill in the room and the rift between bailey and isaac. can't wait to see what you come up with next!
I adore your writing style and Bailey's voice. I read all three chapters at once, then went back and read them again. Can't wait to hear more!