the more i’ve visited maine, the more i’ve fallen in love with it.
on my last trip to visit eddie i got to know kittery a little bit better.
i drove his big’ol truck to Fort Foster for two photo sessions i had scheduled. i ended up staying there until sunset started to dip in – and the skies turned these beautiful rich hues that you just kind of stood there and drank up the stunning splendor.
i can see many evenings spent here just getting lost in the horizon with eddie.
and i can’t wait.
we spent only full day together doing some errands and found ourselves exploring portsmouth new hampshire – which is just a short drive from the house. i’m really digging portsmouth’s feel. it reminds me a lot of charleston – just older and obviously more new english. it has a good vibe, lots of great restaurants and shops and oh my goodness the buildings are so lovely. i hope to book a lot of downtown sessions with people needing head shots, portfolio work, and even family sessions!
i am so pumped to do more exploring of this area – especially when it is snowy!
my next visit will be during the fall – can i just jump for joy at all of the amazing colors i will see?! <3