What is Frankly Friday?
Let’s define Frankly shall we…
I’m over the fear & you should be too.
So let’s write…whether it’s about a situation you’re struggling through, a victory you’ve made, a memory that you can’t let go of…anything as long as it’s honest.
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I’m a scaredy cat.
How ironic is it that one of my favorite holidays is Halloween, yet scary movies terrify me to no end.
I’m one of these kinds of people that sees something {that i deam horrifying} and my mind continues to replay it over and over and over.
Just last night, i was watching a television show that had a semi-scary {aka most people wouldn’t think it was scary at all} part and i was all freaked out. I even had Maria (the roomie) come stand beside me for a second ha!
Fear is something that i believe to be universal.
We are all fearful of something.
fear |fi(ə)r|
An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat…..a mixed feeling of dread and reverence.
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If i am unable to trust Him with the smallest & largest pieces of my life, am i able to trust that He is who He says He is. There is a huge theological circle that this falls into {that i won’t really get into right now}, however this thought process is healthy. If we, as Christians, can’t allow ourselves to trust the one who gave us life with our lives then who can we trust?
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it’s about finding a way to trust more.

Isaiah 41:10 tells me that not only am i to fear not, but that when I place my faith & trust in the Lord He will strengthen me. Not only will He strengthen me; I will be offered help and I will be placed and loved in His righteousness and protection. That is worth trusting.
I can not be fearful of what is to come, or what isn’t to come. That isn’t for me to decide, but i have to learn how to trust throughout the process of each and every day.
I can’t be afraid of myself.
Of success, of failure, of messing up, or being fantastic…i just need to focus on each day, each new situation at hand and handle it to the best of my ability.
I’m not saying that i have this all figured out, it is honestly the opposite.
I have just learned that with fear comes trust, and with trust comes hope, and with hope that is always healing, and Jesus is the only true healer.
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Also, don’t forget Sarah {from Gracefully Made Designs} & I have a big announcement Monday! Don’t miss out!!
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Another great post Amy!
As I was reading I had the thought "the only thing I should fear is thinking that I can do this life by myself."
I don't fear much but I was really convicted this past summer about my fear of storms. Over ten years ago I had a little experience with lightning and every since strong storms kind of terrify me. This summer a bad one rolled in and I was just losing it and that's when God spoke to my heart… "Do you really not believe that I am bigger than this storm? Do you not remember that I calmed the raging seas and I have given you that same authority? Do you not trust me? Do you not believe me? Why are you so afraid? I'll take care of you."
I'm not so afraid of storms anymore but I still have some ways to go. I've been walking a journey for the past two years… I want to believe that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do… and the only way to learn that is by saying yes to everything He says and taking every step He leads me on. Fearful or trusting… I have to do it.
And that's my blog of a comment. 🙂
Love this post, Amy. And so true! I grew up very fearful of things. Afraid of rejection, afraid of failure, afraid of what would happen, afraid of what wouldn't happen! Haha. I'm better now, but am still afraid of other things. i could worry myself to death! I try to remember that God has my back… he loves me…he has a great plan for me! 🙂
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LOVE how you're so open and honest in this post! Fear not girlie… you will never be alone in this world. You have US after all!
Hope your weekend is swell girlie! xo, Bev