First things first, the roomie and I finally caught up on The Vampire Diaries last night (we were behind at least 6 episodes). If you watch this show and you are caught up on the recent episodes you will understand my following reactions:

Basically i was a hot mess…i’m still a hot mess and THEY BETTER FIX THIS.
If you’re a TVD watcher let’s chat because i don’t think i can compose myself ha.
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Now back to the real world i suppose…wooooot.
This weekend was BUSY.
Saturday was spent waking up early eating a good protein filled breakfast and then heading off to bootcamp where my butt was officially kicked. We did a stack workout that lasted about 40-45 minutes and it was killer. I actually repeated it yesterday, despite being sore, and i’m feeling like a boss today.
Yes, i just said ‘like a boss’, you’re welcome.
After bootcamp i started painting the hallway bathroom, and knocked that sucker out in about three hours. (minus the trim) Let me also say that i was afraid i was going to make a Lowes trip and shuck out more $$. You see i’m trying to use the remaining paint cans i have in my house instead of spending more money at the moment. The color i chose for the bathroom is actually the same color i used in the kitchen, and i only had less than half a gallon left.
Today i’ll show you what the bathroom looked like before i actually got started and share the progress throughout the week.
Who am i kidding, i’ll probably have to share more next week since there are some projects that won’t be completed until probably this weekend. Work in progress people, work in progress.
Yes, i just said ‘like a boss’, you’re welcome.
After bootcamp i started painting the hallway bathroom, and knocked that sucker out in about three hours. (minus the trim) Let me also say that i was afraid i was going to make a Lowes trip and shuck out more $$. You see i’m trying to use the remaining paint cans i have in my house instead of spending more money at the moment. The color i chose for the bathroom is actually the same color i used in the kitchen, and i only had less than half a gallon left.
Today i’ll show you what the bathroom looked like before i actually got started and share the progress throughout the week.
Who am i kidding, i’ll probably have to share more next week since there are some projects that won’t be completed until probably this weekend. Work in progress people, work in progress.
I have a love hate relationship with those walls.
My mother is the one who actually sponge painted them years ago and we haven’t done anything to update the bathroom since. No new artwork, towels, anything {other than me throwing in a new brown shower curtain}, so it was way past time to brighten up this room.
Also the water stains on the ceiling, yeah i still haven’t taken care of those; i’ve never painted a ceiling and ugh i totally don’t want to start, but i will eventually. 🙂
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What did y’all do this weekend?
TVD is killing me right now! I can't wait for Thursday's episode! I really love your bathroom walls, but sometimes change is good too. 🙂
Oh my goodness, I KNOW! I can't wait until the next episode… I need to know what's going to happen!!!! I so want there to be a happy ending, haha!
I'm looking forward to seeing your bathroom updates! 🙂
I think the bathroom looks great… esp with the palm tree rug 😉
And you GO girl with your bootcamp sessions this weekend!!! Love when we fight through the soarness and do it all over again!! Keep it up!
The mister rarely gets emotional about tv shows, but he was definitely bummed out after that episode. He keeps joking that he's quitting this show that makes him feel feelings.
"Like a boss"…LOL I love it! Kudos to you for tackling painting! It's such a big job and as much as I love the end product it takes ALOT for me to want to start! Haha! Can't wait to see the progress!
Good for you with your boot camp! I went to yoga twice this weekend. That's a lot for lazy, sit on the couch me. 😉
I like the walls and that flower art…but the room could use some brightening up.
get it girl! so proud of you for working out even though you were sore…such a great feeling of accomplishment!
nice! Painting is a pain the butt. I painted pink and white stripes on one wall, and bright yellow on three walls, and blue on the ceiling of my room when I was ten. It was so much work (no, the adults didn't help my sister and I cause they painted the rest of the house), that I haven't painted them since. They are so ugly but I do NOT want to paint. Now we are moving so I get to leave them behind. Ultimate lazy, here. haha.
I like the brown walls! though even the best colors can get old.
Oh and NICE job on the workout! I did two 40-minute yoga sessions this weekend and it felt awesome.