Time for another Frankly Friday…
What is Frankly Friday?
Let’s define Frankly shall we…
frankly |ˈfra ng klē|adverbin an open, honest, and direct manner
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I want this to be a way for all of us to be open, raw, and transparent with not only each other…but with ourselves. I think we put a lot of stock into the “fear” of what others may think of us…into the “fear” of really putting what’s on your heart out there in case someone decides to tear you down.
I’m over the fear & you should be too.
So let’s write…whether it’s about a situation you’re struggling through, a victory you’ve made, a memory that you can’t let go of…anything as long as it’s honest.
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Before jumping into Frankly Friday i wanted to share with you this little gem of a video:
This would be my brother’s school with one of the largest gatherings to do the Harlem Shake.
He said they sent out an e-blast/facebook and said to be at one of the amphitheaters within 30 minutes, and THAT MANY people showed up.
Yup my brother was in there…somewhere.
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This week I felt like sharing a little something that i wrote the other night.
I used to write a lot of poetry, short stories, and just random ramblings.
I slowed down a while ago…i guess i had a block or i just didn’t care anymore, but the other night all of the pent up emotions, frustrations, thoughts, and worries came flooding to the service.
It isn’t much of anything really…and frankly i always get nervous when i post any of my ‘journalings’ mostly because i think others might find it foolish or weird, or not fully understand it.
I’ve learned that it really doesn’t matter what others thing of my ramblings, it’s a great way for me to be honest with where i am in the moment and express so many different thoughts/feelings/etc.
I’ve kept some of them (actually not that many at all) on my tumblr.
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Speaking & Silence.
I used to write a lot of poetry, short stories, and just random ramblings.
I slowed down a while ago…i guess i had a block or i just didn’t care anymore, but the other night all of the pent up emotions, frustrations, thoughts, and worries came flooding to the service.
It isn’t much of anything really…and frankly i always get nervous when i post any of my ‘journalings’ mostly because i think others might find it foolish or weird, or not fully understand it.
I’ve learned that it really doesn’t matter what others thing of my ramblings, it’s a great way for me to be honest with where i am in the moment and express so many different thoughts/feelings/etc.
I’ve kept some of them (actually not that many at all) on my tumblr.
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Speaking & Silence.
Sometimes you just need to speak.
Speak out into the chaos.
Speak out on what is weighing you down.
Speak out to offer love.
Speak out to just be heard.
Speak out on what is weighing you down.
Speak out to offer love.
Speak out to just be heard.
Other times you just need to embrace the silence.
Embrace the moments of stillness.
Embrace your emotions.
Embrace everything pouring out of your heart.
Embrace the empty echo.
Embrace your emotions.
Embrace everything pouring out of your heart.
Embrace the empty echo.
I find that in these completely conflicting moments, speaking and silence, i learn more about myself. When i’m faced with moments of true solitude and freeing reflection, my senses are heightened and i can finally face the thoughts that have been fighting to get out.
The stretching linen that encircles my legs.
The sharp and dull pings of rain hitting the roof.
The rhythmic breathing escaping my lungs.
The deafening darkness that encapsulates my room.
The knots that form in my hair from tossing in my sleep.
The sharp and dull pings of rain hitting the roof.
The rhythmic breathing escaping my lungs.
The deafening darkness that encapsulates my room.
The knots that form in my hair from tossing in my sleep.
I find freedom.
I’m able to be fully present with my struggles, with my joys, my pain, my love, my day dreams, my hopes, my regrets, my future, my past, my sins, my triumphs…all of it.
I’m not longer afraid. There is a courage you gather in the darkness…a courage to fight and to move past the struggles; to win.
In those moments between reality and dreaming, silence and speaking…i wage war.
I fight for love, for pain, for freedom, redemption, hope, and security.
I fight for love, for pain, for freedom, redemption, hope, and security.
The whisper of closing eyelashes.
The weakening of muscles.
The comfortable weight that settles over me.
The small tug at the edges of my lips.
The weakening of muscles.
The comfortable weight that settles over me.
The small tug at the edges of my lips.
It is the final battle cry. The moment where i will not remember if the battle was won or lost; the moment that doesn’t really matter.
Because moments are seperated with two distinctions: speaking and silence.
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Link up if you joined in for Frankly Friday.
I can't tell you how often I pray for the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent. This speaks to me today. Thanks for sharing your heart, friend.
that's beautiful. I feel like I've been "embracing the empty echo lately." It's freeing to realize that when life gets hard sometimes it's good to enter into the mess and other times it's best to wait.
also. what's the harlem shake? I'm in Asia, I miss out on stuff haha
You are writing from the heart! 🙂 I loved this post. Sometimes silence seems like torture and other times speaking is terrifying, but somehow they always bring just what we needed them to!
Keep writing!