Time for another Frankly Friday!
What is Frankly Friday?
Let’s define Frankly shall we…
frankly |Λfra ng klΔ|adverbin an open, honest, and direct manner
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I want this to be a way for all of us to be open, raw, and transparent with not only each other…but with ourselves. I think we put a lot of stock into the “fear” of what others may think of us…into the “fear” of really putting what’s on your heart out there in case someone decides to tear you down.
I’m over the fear & you should be too.
So let’s write…whether it’s about a situation you’re struggling through, a victory you’ve made, a memory that you can’t let go of…anything as long as it’s honest.
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Well well…it is finally friday!! PRAISEEEEEEEE.
This week i thought i’d break down my franks into a little list.
Mixin’ it up ‘yo!
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Burgess Jenkins favorited one of my tweets!!!
Who is Burgess Jenkins? Let me help a sista out:

He was in Remember the Titans, One Tree Hill, Nashville, Christmas Cupid, Army Wives, and more.
Let’s explain this situation:
Maria, Beverly, & I were downtown during one of the big Sunday events where they shut down King Street so you can eat on the street, walk the street, shop, they have food trucks, etc {read awesome}.
As we were walking i saw this insanely attractive man holding up his phone taking a picture of some of our buildings. My heart started to speed up and i’m pretty sure my mouth dropped open. We walked by him and i kept staring and when we passed i said, “oh my gosh i think that was a celebrity”. Beverly & Maria responded: who? OBVIOUSLY they were not paying attention, i pointed him out and they were like “ummm i dont know amy i think you’re wrong”….i am never wrong MUAHAHAHAH. I quickly googled him and showed them a picture, they flipped out, i tweeted and BAM he favorited it. You should have seen my response when i got the email, i thought Maria was going to die laughing at me.
So there you have it, me and Burgess are BFFS, ok not really, but that is pretty dang cool right?!
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If you are already following me on instagram then sorry for the repeat:

This came last night!!
I am so dang excited!
We are actually buying our tickets tonight for the trip…EEEEEKKKK!!
I would be lying if i said i wasn’t a little nervous, i am most definitely nervous but i am also ready to conquer this fear and have an experience of a life time! Anxiety has been a thorn in my side for years and i know that it will continue to be a thorn throughout my life; but learning how to deal with it is so important. I actually made a counseling appointment this month to help myself process some things that have been going on in my life, and i couldn’t be more excited!!
Anyone want to join? ha.
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Bible study last night was killer. Killer awesome.
I love the woman that God has placed in my life. We are honest, transparent (even when it hurts) and real with each other. There is encouragement, love, calling-out, etc and it continues to humble me that i have a group of ladies who love Jesus and want to bring His Glory to the world.
I had some ah-ha moments that i will probably share soon, i am currently still processing them.
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Have you ever wondered what a guy does on his day off?
I’ll share with you: play video games, go to wal-mart, and go to a local sports store: to just look around at all of the toys. This is coming from a good friend of mine…snoooooozzzzeeeeee. He said the same thing about what we do on a day off, psshhhhhtttt whatever my life is not boring. π
I will never understand the male species (not that i want to), but this just cracks me up.
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I signed up to start working with a trainer. Yup, a trainer.
I’m ready to kick this weight in the arse and live my life without the chains of feeling hindered.
Please be in prayer for me, this journey is one that has been a long one and i’m hoping that this will help to re-boost my motivation in getting healthy!
Life changes people, life changes.
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Don’t forget to get in your questions for my vlog!
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So there you have it, my short list of being frank.
Link up if you were frank this week!
I had some ah-ha moments that i will probably share soon, i am currently still processing them.
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Have you ever wondered what a guy does on his day off?
I’ll share with you: play video games, go to wal-mart, and go to a local sports store: to just look around at all of the toys. This is coming from a good friend of mine…snoooooozzzzeeeeee. He said the same thing about what we do on a day off, psshhhhhtttt whatever my life is not boring. π
I will never understand the male species (not that i want to), but this just cracks me up.
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I signed up to start working with a trainer. Yup, a trainer.
I’m ready to kick this weight in the arse and live my life without the chains of feeling hindered.
Please be in prayer for me, this journey is one that has been a long one and i’m hoping that this will help to re-boost my motivation in getting healthy!
Life changes people, life changes.
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Don’t forget to get in your questions for my vlog!
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So there you have it, my short list of being frank.
Link up if you were frank this week!
Ireland- so freaking cool! I'd love to go there and pretty much everywhere else in Europe. So much history and beauty! And good luck with the trainer! I so wish I could have a scheduled trainer. That way you would HAVE to go to the gym lol
Cool…what cities in Europe are you going to?
Oh my goodness! So many exciting things in this post!! π eeek! That is so awesome that he favorited your tweet!! YAY for getting your passport! A personal trainer is awesome too! I've been watching a lot of Biggest Loser lately…and I'm thinking I need a trainer just to kick my butt. I always give up!! AND that is pretty hilarious, what guys do on their off days…haha. Sorry for this jumble of words I am leaving! π
Ireland is on my bucket list…we're going to Holland this September for two friend's weddings and it's going to be so.much.fun. my brain can't even handle it π
Glad you're enjoying your Bible study so much! What are you studying? A book, or straight from the Word?
Jenkins….. Total stud! ENOUGH SAID. Have an amazeball weekend hun β₯
A trainer!! LOVE it!! I've always wanted to have one but budget hasn't allowed it – someday.
Oh my hotness! He's pretty! You lucky lady!
This post is full of so much fabulousness. When are you going to Ireland? That is so exciting! Glad your bible study is going so well and so so so excited for you signing up with a trainer! That is a big step! You totally got this girl.
Hi Amy! Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. it means the world! & yes… we must start to talk about what it means to be authentic more often. So glad you commented because now I found your blog & I love your heart! & #3 is so special. cling to such dear community!! can't wait to get to know you more!
so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone in so many areas! world travel, challenging study of scripture and getting a trainer…girl you're going to grow! π
look at you stepping up your workout game to a trainer now!! get it gooorl!!! work hard and play later π
Now you have to find a cute passport cover to dazzle that up!
happy friday gooorl! xo, Bev
Ooooh! celebrity interaction!!! FUN!!
I love Bible study more than just about anything else… for all the reasons you mentioned above.
In fact, I love Bible study groups so much that when every group quits for the summer I do my own. Yep… summer Bible study. We always get a great group and do a great study and continue to grow… even in the summer. π
I love this post for so many reasons. I feel like we are so similar/ going through different things but in similar ways and it just makes me really happy.
And you know how pumped I am for you to travel. I think it's awwwesome that you may get a counseling appointment beforehand. Anything to help you prepare will be good!
And I lovelovelove that you have a vulnerable Bible Study, I can't wait to hear your ah ha moments.
Aaand I'm pumped about you getting a trainer!! That's such a bold move and I know it takes a lot of courage to get going on working out!! Frankly, I'm just really excited for you π
This post is just full of excitement! IRELAND! WAHOO!!
My husband – on his day off – reads. reads. reads. and does some music (orchestration using computer software). And then he reads some more. π Ha! He doesn't care about video games. Or football. Which is just fine w/ me!
Go you w/ the celebrity tweet! HAHAHA! I don't know that guy. But he is handsome. And that's awesome!:)
YEAH for working w/ a trainer! You can do it!:)
Ok, My dear sister as for what guys do on their day off its not just play video games (unless your talking about me then you know I could do that all day), go to Wally World (no one goes there), or go to the sports store. Well some of this may be true but I'm pretty sure for every guy out there if he goes to a sports store he does not just look at the toys (he smashes them crashes them and makes darn well sure that if he is gonna buy it then it can take the beating). Have you ever seen that one guy at the small putting green in Dick's that sits their putting for hours, you think he is trying out that putter? Naw he is just having a good old time doing absolutely nothing and as for what most guys like to do on their day off that would probably be it watch a little sports and do absolutely nothing. This of course is coming from Tal and I.