Last week i talked about my love affair with TRX equipment.
I still haven’t bought anything yet, maybe one day soon…once i save up some money and we clean out the garage; then maybe i can justify the amount since the home gym will be up and running.
This week i’m going to share some equipment with you that is easy and cheap to make {not that i have made it yet, but i will} and so incredibly easy to use.
It is called…a slosh tube/stick/pipe. yes any of those names will work
Yes, you read that right…it sounds weird and everything.
Here is what a slosh pipe looks like:

& here are some easy instructions i found on how to make your own.
Since it is constantly “unstable” it will be constantly working your core while trying to balance it. We did squats, lifts, dips, etc…basically this thing can be used a LOT.
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MY training…
This past weekend was bad y’all.
Like really bad.
I DID go to bootcamp on Saturday and worked my tail off. We actually did a lot of boxing and it was fabulous. Tina was really impressed with how much aggression i took out on that poor boxing mat. =)
After one round of boxing one of the women looked at me and said : I’m reading the hunger games right now…and i’d stay away from you if we were in that. HAHAHAHAHA uh-mazing.
Anyways, Saturday night we had a ladies night (!!) that was so much fun, but filled with such bad food which i’m totally not surprised. I ate way too much and didn’t eat any better on Sunday…and i currently feel like a whale. So i was talking to my aunt last night and she’s been telling me about this book she’s been reading and a diet/eating plan she has been following: The Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution. It’s a heart/diabetes healthy diet that stands for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension”. While i do not struggle with heart health/diabetes currently it could definitely develop if i’m not careful; especially since i carry 90% of my weight in my middle…so unhealthy.
So i’ve started reading the book last night and i’ll be reading today {along with y’alls blogs} and i’m supposed to go grocery shopping with my aunt tonight after training.
So wish me luck, and that is where i am.
We have some TRX cables (they're my husbands) and he loves using them at the gym. He says they're a great conversation starter haha. I like the idea of the slosh tube but have never used one, how interesting!
LOL at The Hunger Games comment!
I'll be interested to hear your take on the diet plan. I have to be careful with my weight as well as I also hold it in my midsection.
#1, we had those sloshy tubes in jr high….I loved them! And, I'm pretty sure our teacher made them too. Ours were long and skinny. My favorite thing was holding them while we did squats.
#2, Have fun tonight! Getting healthy with someone else is just better. 🙂
Oh my word! I love that the lady told you she'd stay away from you if you guys were in the Hunger Games. What a compliment. 😉
Yesss! Already crowned Hunger Game champ! Way to go!
that hunger games comment is too funny. haha i love boxing and kick boxing, such a fun way to work out and get your emotions all out there!
i've heard good reviews about that book and the dash diet, but don't know much about it, so i'll be interested to learn more! let me know what you think!
oh my gosh LOVE the hunger games comment haha. Following the link to the book now…
hunger gaaaaames, get it girl. I just ate an entire roll of birthday cake oreos so I feel ya on the bad food on girls night.
the hunger games comment…AHmazing.
girl, exercise and eating healthy is hard! but worth it 🙂 and yes, having someone to help and encourage is the best. accountability!
Dude you must have been killing it to get that Hunger Games comment – LOVE IT!
I'll be interested to hear more about DASH if you end up doing it. I'm one of those that take a little info from this diet, and another from this diet and apply it to myself. I enjoy hearing about others weight loss journey.