Time for another Frankly Friday!
What is Frankly Friday?
Let’s define Frankly shall we…
frankly |ˈfra ng klē|adverb
in an open, honest, and direct manner
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I want this to be a way for all of us to be open, raw, and transparent with not only each other…but with ourselves. I think we put a lot of stock into the “fear” of what others may think of us…into the “fear” of really putting what’s on your heart out there in case someone decides to tear you down.
I’m over the fear & you should be too.
So let’s write…whether it’s about a situation you’re struggling through, a victory you’ve made, a memory that you can’t let go of…anything as long as it’s honest.
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As mentioned yesterday, i went to the doctor to figure out why the crap i was so dizzy.
The verdict: a mixture between stress, fatigue, and dehydration.
The last month’ish i’ve been sleeping poorly, involved in so many things after work, going to be later, getting up early, pushing and pushing and pushing myself. I knew my body was wearing down but i didn’t expect it to hit the point that it has the last few days. Feeling like i was on a tilt’a’whirl my entire day was anything but a fun adventure, it flat out blew!
So i’ve been drinking lots of water and I took Benadryl the last two nights to help me actually sleep. Today i’m feeling a little better, still struggling with some dizziness but not as bad as the rest of the week.
My doctor told me: this is your bodies way of telling you to slow down.
My response: humility.

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I was telling some of my girlfriends last night how hard this is for me, to actually slow down. I know that sounds weird, what kind of person wouldn’t enjoy a relaxing night? I do, trust me, and i have them; but more often than not i’m thinking of the next thing i need to do, creating a new list, going here, going there, getting this done, etc etc.
I rarely stop.
Even when i’m sick i still find time to dust, vacuum, do laundry, organize something, plan a new project, whatever. I struggle with actually just being still. My mother was the same way. She was involved in dozens of things and was constantly going and getting things done. I learned from an early age that responsibility is something that is wired into me, i like seeing a “finished product”. AND i like seeing it completed faster than the normal person.
Frankly…i’m impatient and competitive.
Constantly measuring myself against societies standards and against my own “i should have’s…”
I need to become better at measuring myself up to GOD’S standards and allowing room for grace and mercy within my life. I will never ever be perfect, but i am designed to chase after perfection, to chase after God. So that is my challenge…to allow room for grace, mercy, reflection, and rest within my life. To not be consumed with the desire to measure myself against what i think i should be; but instead measure myself against what the Lord desires for me to be.

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So this weekend what will i be doing?
Well, honestly there are some things i feel that i HAVE to get done, but i am going to do my best to add balance. Plenty of sleep, water, and relaxation while getting some house-hold things done.
Maybe i’ll do absolutely zero household things and actually REST.
I’ll report back on Monday! 😉
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What about you?
Do you struggle with slowing down?
Or are you completely content with vegging out every night?
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If you wrote a post this week and were honest/frank link up!
The verdict: a mixture between stress, fatigue, and dehydration.
The last month’ish i’ve been sleeping poorly, involved in so many things after work, going to be later, getting up early, pushing and pushing and pushing myself. I knew my body was wearing down but i didn’t expect it to hit the point that it has the last few days. Feeling like i was on a tilt’a’whirl my entire day was anything but a fun adventure, it flat out blew!
So i’ve been drinking lots of water and I took Benadryl the last two nights to help me actually sleep. Today i’m feeling a little better, still struggling with some dizziness but not as bad as the rest of the week.
My doctor told me: this is your bodies way of telling you to slow down.
My response: humility.

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I was telling some of my girlfriends last night how hard this is for me, to actually slow down. I know that sounds weird, what kind of person wouldn’t enjoy a relaxing night? I do, trust me, and i have them; but more often than not i’m thinking of the next thing i need to do, creating a new list, going here, going there, getting this done, etc etc.
I rarely stop.
Even when i’m sick i still find time to dust, vacuum, do laundry, organize something, plan a new project, whatever. I struggle with actually just being still. My mother was the same way. She was involved in dozens of things and was constantly going and getting things done. I learned from an early age that responsibility is something that is wired into me, i like seeing a “finished product”. AND i like seeing it completed faster than the normal person.
Frankly…i’m impatient and competitive.
Constantly measuring myself against societies standards and against my own “i should have’s…”
I need to become better at measuring myself up to GOD’S standards and allowing room for grace and mercy within my life. I will never ever be perfect, but i am designed to chase after perfection, to chase after God. So that is my challenge…to allow room for grace, mercy, reflection, and rest within my life. To not be consumed with the desire to measure myself against what i think i should be; but instead measure myself against what the Lord desires for me to be.

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So this weekend what will i be doing?
Well, honestly there are some things i feel that i HAVE to get done, but i am going to do my best to add balance. Plenty of sleep, water, and relaxation while getting some house-hold things done.
Maybe i’ll do absolutely zero household things and actually REST.
I’ll report back on Monday! 😉
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What about you?
Do you struggle with slowing down?
Or are you completely content with vegging out every night?
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If you wrote a post this week and were honest/frank link up!
They are starting on the tile today HOOZAH!
girl…you are speaking to my heart this morning! i am the worst at just sitting back and letting things go. i am always doing something, or planning something, or thinking about something. it's probably the thing i envy most about bryce. he is so great at sitting back and relaxing.
try and rest this weekend! you definitely need it! 🙂
I know what you mean! It is HARD to slow down, but you need too! It's cliche, but you only get one life…so you need to make sure to take time for yourself in the midst of all the craziness. Hang in there!!
I was actually wondering if dehydration might be part of the problem. Hopefully you will be able to get more rest!
I have a similar feeling as you: I would love to just relax, but I keep thinking of all the to-do's….I can't relax knowing that they still have to get done. I want to get them over with, and then I find other things, and other things…
Usually in my mind it's a non-stop constant "to-do" list… but I *physically* don't really work on things until the last minute.
I hope you get lots of rest this weekend! Thanks for hosting!
First and foremost, WWJD! Rest! When you are weary and worn, put your faith where it needs to be, in Him! and rest. I understand the need to slow down. I work a job that can go for up to 15 hours 5 days a week and have even done 13 days in a row at that pace. Don't let your life be ruled by this pace. Find the one thing that does relax you and set aside one hour everyday to do just that. Me, it's my family…my wife and dogs. I come home to them and my stress lessens and just being with my wife makes the day worth it and more bearable. Follow that with my computer and….tada…stress freedom. Good luck to you and hope you have a wonderful and stress free weekend.
I know I've already said this but I'll say it again – I'm praying for you! 🙂 You're very loved, dear!
I looove you r perspective on this. Seeking out Jesus and resting in him is exactly what you need. Lately, i've actually been sabbathing on Sunday. As in no work. at. all. Not even laundry or a single work email. it's been soo difficult but amazing for my walk with the Lord. It's been teaching me that God can handle my life, he is soverign and in control and work left undone is okay. So yeah, all that to say I love your perspective and keep working hard at resting! :0
I'm SO glad you're feeling better. I hope you're feeling 100% soon! Still praying for you!