+ oh. my. gosh. i’m packing this weekend for vacation.
color me stressed.
+ I won’t be posting very much while i’m gone…maybe a few things here or there; no promises.
+ Sad i’ll be leaving the bro & roomie behind, but hey they’ll be taking care of Tobi and the house.
+ Speaking of Tobi…poor thing knows i’m going to be leaving. Which means he will probably pee everywhere…fabulous. {he’s done this before here and here}
+ I’m not sure what i think of instagram using video…that’s totally vines job. We shall see.
+ I just found this picture from a college skit i did…we were the buttkisse family…and the skit was about “wife-swap” i was the wife {my roommate slathered me in bronzer to make me look dirty and unkept}, my ‘husband’ was in the red georgia hat, the rest were our kids.
HILARIOUS. I remember that kit….oh my goodness there were a few times i almost peed my pants from laughing during rehearsal.
HILARIOUS. I remember that kit….oh my goodness there were a few times i almost peed my pants from laughing during rehearsal.
+ Speaking of funny pictures…

+ I’m kind of at a loss on what to write about…i’m so mentally stressed about about the vacation that i’m kind of sputtering on everything else. The plane ride = not looking forward to it. meh.
+ Hello first day of “summer”…too bad summers been here for a month already.
+ This video….ahhh warm my heart.
+ Counter to the above video….THIS STORY INFURIATES ME.
+ HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Link up if you had a post that was frank this week!

LOL…the Buttkisse family…hilarious picture!
Hahaha, what a great photo!
And I hope your vacations is AMAZING! 🙂
hope you have a great vacation! don't let the stress bring you down 🙂
Aww that video… so sweet that he got to hear his dad for the first time. I may have teared up a bit watching that, haha!
Hooray for travel time! I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! And hopefully Tobi won't pee on everything, haha!
Have fun on vacation lady!! Take lots of pics =)