. . .
– This post really spoke to my heart this week; reminding me to Abide in Him…much needed.
– I had a really good session with my counselor last night and definitely broke through some walls. It was really encouraging and i walked out feeling lighter.
– I have to buy my hiking shoes tomorrow for my trip to Ireland/Scotland. Any suggestions?
-Story of my life i’m behind on blog reading/commenting/responding. Truth is i miss y’all and i hate that i get so far behind. Someone said to me once “it’s just blogs Amy” and i glared at them while responding “but they are my friends!” ha.
So know that even if i don’t seem to be lurking around, i want to be.
– Playing this game is one of my favorite things about summer in the south.
– There is just something about a nice art print that makes me want to DIY it, maybe even this weekend.
– I also get to go bridesmaid dress shopping this weekend!
– My skin is itching for more.
– I’m looking forward to seeing some family on Sunday for my cousin’s graduation party. Definitely taking my camera to document where i spent some great summers and holidays in my childhood.
– I’m going to do this with my young cousins this summer, you just wait and see.
– Kids are the only ones who get to have a field day. {i’m definitely doing this}
– I’m currently stuck to my coffee cup. It was a long night of me thrashing around dreaming i didn’t have anything for my trip and i missed the plane. Yeah, that was a great way to start the morning.
– I’m editing some pictures from a photo session last week. I still owe y’all a post on how i do those…yeah about that.
-We were without internet (and by we i think anyone in the state who had comcast) for all of wednesday, it made for some interesting moments. It made me sad to see how much we rely on internet for work and entertainment. Definitely not ok in my book. I was happy to come home and see my brother reading (something we do a lot of in my family) and not bothered by the fact he couldn’t play his video games that night. I’m actually ahead (yes!) of my 50 books in a year challenge! I’m not counting the fact that i’ve re-read at least 10 books (not even exaggerating), i think that’s cheating. I want 50 new books, so if you’re on good reads, add me and i cansteal borrow some of your to-read ideas.
– & i just thought i would share with you my recent running progress.
No it isn’t as fast as most people, but i am proud of what i’ve accomplished so far. Running 2 miles (ok about 1 1/2 combined is making me giddy! Here’s to hoping i’ll up it to 3 this weekend!
-We were without internet (and by we i think anyone in the state who had comcast) for all of wednesday, it made for some interesting moments. It made me sad to see how much we rely on internet for work and entertainment. Definitely not ok in my book. I was happy to come home and see my brother reading (something we do a lot of in my family) and not bothered by the fact he couldn’t play his video games that night. I’m actually ahead (yes!) of my 50 books in a year challenge! I’m not counting the fact that i’ve re-read at least 10 books (not even exaggerating), i think that’s cheating. I want 50 new books, so if you’re on good reads, add me and i can
– & i just thought i would share with you my recent running progress.
No it isn’t as fast as most people, but i am proud of what i’ve accomplished so far. Running 2 miles (ok about 1 1/2 combined is making me giddy! Here’s to hoping i’ll up it to 3 this weekend!
{gotta love that pizza ad at the bottom!}
Happy Friday!!!!
Link up if you had a post that was rather frank this week.
You're running faster than everyone who's not running at all (coughMEcough). 🙂
I'm so glad your counseling session went well! That's a huge blessing!
I'm with Rach… I'm not a runner but I want to be one so bad! Unfortunately every time I try to start I feel like death. One day! 🙂
Haha. Yay for running, girl! 🙂
LOVE what you said about glaring at your person who said "they're just blogs, amy"! I mean… people just don't get it! 😉
That's awesome! (what you did for running that is!)
I'm the same way about getting behind with blogs. However, I once upon a time was behind thousands…with a baby, I gave myself grace and hit the "mark all as read" button *gasp* I still can't believe I did that sometimes. LOL
Great post! Congrats on the run!
New follower! Looking forward to your next post!
okay, so that art print. i want to make it too!
i love me some cornhole. i'm not the best at it, but i really enjoy playing!
reading is my fave. i could sit and read all day, but unfortunately, the internet gets a little distracting sometimes! so many things going on! i'm currently reading harry potter: book 4. my bestie LOVES harry potter and told me i had to read them 🙂