+ I’m so over Sprint. I switched from their company back in march and have been dealing with charges i was told i did not have to pay since then…that is 5 long months. They sent my $56 bill to a creditor and have been sending me bill after bill after bill telling me i’m overdue. I’ve called them time after time and spoken to countless people and been told i needed to do countless things to have the fee waved. Last month it was supposedly all taken care of. What did i come home to last night? ANOTHER BILL. I spent an hour on the phone with someone having to re-hash the 5 month long story and i was incredibly frustrated. At one point she said “take a breathe…i’m just trying to help you”. I could tell she was trying to be nice, but honestly it came across condecending. In that moment i wanted to jump through the phone and show her what frustrated amy looks like. I responded politely while inside i was spitting nails. After what seemed like forever and asking me to send my brothers phone back?! (really it’s been 5 months) She then ended up saying “never mind my manager just told me to wave it”. So while we were on the phone she ‘waved the fee’…which means that i’ll be back in good graces with the creditor.
It really infuriates me.
If YOUR company tells me in writing that i do NOT have to pay something, i don’t care how much it is, i’m not paying it. So even though they would never acknowledge “oh my bad, they shouldn’t have told you that, but since they did no worries have a nice day” they still sent me to a creditor…and freaking-a if it ruins any ounce of my credit i’m going to be furious. I am the only 24 year old i know who has absolutely z.e.r.o debt and perfect credit.
So yeah that made me angry. BOO to Sprint and i will bad mouth them all day long.
Onto different things…
+ I made this sweet and sour chicken recipe last night. I’ve got to admit that it is pretty delicious; but a little warning: if you’ve never breaded chicken before…you’re in for a mess!
+ I also bought the (few) ingredients to make this lovely dip!! It’s one of my favorites
+ I’m feeling super bloated today…ugh. I’ve GOT to workout when i get home. Since it will be raining i’ll probably do something similar to this.
+Keep your fingers crossed that i get some house work done this weekend! Painting trim, filling holes, buying more paint…painting. yay.
+ My wallet has really been taking a beating, which isn’t good since i’m attempting to save for bookcases. Unfortunately a friend showed me this website…and i’ve been sucked into it!
+ If my boyfriend/husband ever did this to me i would probably a. have a heart attack and b. swiftly kick him…hard.
+ I would love a weekend away at the beach, sadly that probably isn’t going to happen.
+ THIS STORY…gave me goosebumps. While reading this i kept thinking God is so gracious…this is just another example of people who can say that God is real.
+ I’ve ordered a photo book from the trip, well only the photos from my iphone. I’m working on editing my pictures from my dslr so i can get that photobook up and going!
+ I needed to be reminded to live simply. This beautiful woman wrote some eloquent words that really touched my spirit. <3

I hope y’all have a great weekend!
Link-up if you had a post that was frank this week!
Oh my gooooosssssshhhhhhh! That prank!! He terrified her! I would have beat the guy. But I'm laughing hahaha. I'm laughing so hard and I can't stop! It's awful hahahaha.
The way you feel about Sprint is how I feel about Walmart photo center. So over it!
Oh my goodness! I definitely would have screamed if I was every pranked like that–especially if it was after watching a scary movie or something. And then my second reaction would include a lot of why-did-you-do-that-to-me's.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Sprint frustrations. It's so frustrating when customer service isn't really a service. 🙁
But I really hope you get some housework done! I love reading about your house updates.
And thanks for the shout-out girl! 🙂
So… I'm going to help you punch Sprint in the face, ok? 😉
1- I reallllly hope this is the end of your Sprint troubles. That sounds awful!!
2- That sweet and sour chicken looks so delish. I might just have to try it out.
3- I loveeeee GroopDealz. I've only made 2 purchases so far…but it's been hard to hold back. 🙂
4- That story!! How scary would it be to just be floating out there not knowing if there was help on its way. God is so good.
No way! You should switch to Verizon, they've always been really good for us! And Groop Dealz is addictive! I try to avoid it so I don't spend all of our money there 🙂
so frustrating! good customer service means SO MUCH to me!
I'm so sorry about the Sprint mess! I'd be just as upset if it hurt my credit! I hear you! Hopefully you will be able to get it all figured out without it hurting your credit score.
Also, that prank… TERRIBLE! I can't even imagine. I might never sleep again, haha!
I would NOT be hugging my husband if he pranked me like that. And BOO Sprint! Something similar happened to my sister with T-Mobile. What's up with these companies trying to rip people off?