+ I’m really excited for my lovely friend…she opened up her shop website this past week and it is beautiful! I dare you to go take a peek.
+ Man…5 years really flies by (and crawls sometimes). The picture on the left (5 years ago) was when i was a junior in college. At the time i was dating Stephen, had a dorm room to myself (never happens!), working at a church plant as a youth leader as well as Lifeway, and stressing over mid-terms and upcoming finals! Now – i’m a little over 3 years out of college, working as a receptionist, head of a household, single, thinking of going back to college, and learning more about myself.
If you would have told me 5 years ago that i would be where i am today – i wouldn’t believe you.
{for the record i DO have curly hair, it was just flat ironed in the old picture}
+ I’m hoping to get a lot accomplished around the house this weekend. Since i have Monday off (WOOT WOOT) i would like to use my time wisely and clean up some of the mess i’ve made. Oh i haven’t told y’all about the mess have i? Yeah…about that….let’s say my dining room and living room are currently not usable.
+ Today is your LAST DAY to sign up for the #etsyswap2013 !!
+ Let’s keep it real people – being single can be hard. Yes there are the moments where i come home from a l.o.n.g day and i’m thankful i don’t have to tend to a husband or cook dinner or clean or do laundry if i don’t want to. There are times i’m thankful that i can go and do whatever i want to because i don’t have to worry about my spouse – or my children. Then there are other times when i come home from a l.o.n.g day and want to find comfort in a husband, or have an adventure with him, share in joys and sorrows. Anyways…after reading this post …it’s renewed my spirit to be patient and do something while i’m waiting. The waiting game is hard – and i can find my spirit weak when thoughts of settling come in and tempt me. BUT WHO WANTS TO SETTLE? Not I.
+ The roomie and i recently watched this movie. We own the other…what three movies? We love them. We’re ready for the next one. AND WE WANTED TO SEE MICHAEL!!!!
+ Acid reflux BLOWS…i’ve been struggling with this for the last few days, darn you cookout!
+ Ok i’m going to share something. I’m hoping to attempt a new project this weekend. Did you see that bold word? HOPING. Yeah if it actually happens it will be a dang miracle. I’m currently looking up tutorials and what-not…and i would be doing this by myself so i dont know how well it will turn out. So really, don’t even hold me to it…i shouldn’t have mentioned it. Yes i will give you a hint…sheesh.

+ PS it’s 25% off all orders from this store this weekend only. code: AUGUST25 {this is one of my favorite/close to my heart organizations}
Did you have a post this week that was rather frank? Link up bellow!
Loved the look back with you! Five years absolutely DO fly…Soooo fast. I've been seeing this saying everywhere lately, but I love it: "The days are long, but the years are short." Perfect, huh?
I think you should TOTALLY attempt that project! I love that look and definitely plan on doing a version of my own SOMEDAY.
Happy long weekend! 🙂
girl…thanks for the shout out! 🙂
and i cannot wait to see what you have planned. i can't wait till i have a house of my own and i can go back through all your DIYs and copy them all!
can't wait to find out who my swap partner is!!!
xo, sarah grace
LOVED reading that post on singleness and the one she wrote last year. "War of waiting" couldn't be more true and I loved this quote in her post from last year: "…date with integrity. Drop that dude like a bad habit if he shows you anything other than honesty, respect, and Christ-centered love."
Such great encouragement in those two posts! Thanks for passing on.
Can't wait to see your new project! 🙂 I miss doing DIY things!
What a great post! Five years have been really, really good to you! 🙂
My husband loves those Underworld movies. 🙂 Oh, life. Time just flies doesn't it?! I can't believe how many things have changed in 5 years.
I can't even begin to explain how much I've changed in 5 years. My husband and I met almost 5 years ago. It ridiculous how different I was as a person.
I've been trying to get things done around the house too. I'll tell you, it's been a fail so far. My husband gave me his (fingerscrossed) return date and I'm scrambling to get everything put together before he gets back. I still have time, but I'm a procrastinator so I know it's going to be a race to the finish.
Ten years ago (the year before I moved back to the States and met Christopher) I never would have believed that I would be where I am today. It's interesting how things change over the years. I know it's easy for me to say, but I promise it's worth waiting for the right person. I have too many friends who are going through divorces already. Breaks my heart.