Today i am finally linking up with Abbey from Finding My Forever!
Seriously, i’ve been wanting to join in on this link up since she started, and i forget every single time; except today y’all, i’m gettin’er’done!
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I thought i would start today with some things i’ve been learning from my training sessions with Tina.
Who is Tina? Tina is my trainer…and she is kicking my arse.
One of my first nights working with her, we worked out with the TRX equipment.
What the heck is TRX? Let me show you…

The one we used at the studio is actually anchored into the wall (not tied onto a bar).
When Tina told me how you use the TRX i was giving her crazy eyes, i couldn’t fathom how not only could this thing hold me but that it was going to use my body weight to give me a solid workout.
The basics of TRX is simple: suspension training.
It “leverages gravity and your bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises.”
It also:
Delivers a fast, effective total-body workout
Helps build a rock-solid core
Increases muscular endurance
Benefits people of all fitness levels (pro athletes to seniors)
Can be set-up anywhere (gym, home, hotel or outside)
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Who uses the TRX, other than you?
Major League Baseball players, UFC Fighters, Olympic level cyclists, swimmers, runners, etc.
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Intimidated yet? Yeah…i was too. Seriously, crazy eyes didn’t begin to explain this.
Here is an example of some of the moves you would do on the TRX:


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Yup, using that body weight to kick your own toosh.
What moves did i do? Well going from left to right/top to bottom i’ve done #1, 3, 4, & 7 along with a few more. I will admit that actually TRUSTING that this thing is not going to unhinge itself from the wall was half the battle. Once i got over my trust issues i really enjoyed the workout and the next day i was feeling it in my arms from really pushing myself.
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Basically, i want some TRX equipment in my garage/home gym {that i plan on putting together this summer with the broseph}. So far we have a weight bench and my 100lb punching bag. I’d love to add this to the collection, i better start saving my pennies! I think it would be a great addition!
I thought i would start today with some things i’ve been learning from my training sessions with Tina.
Who is Tina? Tina is my trainer…and she is kicking my arse.
One of my first nights working with her, we worked out with the TRX equipment.
What the heck is TRX? Let me show you…

The one we used at the studio is actually anchored into the wall (not tied onto a bar).
When Tina told me how you use the TRX i was giving her crazy eyes, i couldn’t fathom how not only could this thing hold me but that it was going to use my body weight to give me a solid workout.
The basics of TRX is simple: suspension training.
It “leverages gravity and your bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises.”
It also:
Delivers a fast, effective total-body workout
Helps build a rock-solid core
Increases muscular endurance
Benefits people of all fitness levels (pro athletes to seniors)
Can be set-up anywhere (gym, home, hotel or outside)
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Who uses the TRX, other than you?
Major League Baseball players, UFC Fighters, Olympic level cyclists, swimmers, runners, etc.
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Intimidated yet? Yeah…i was too. Seriously, crazy eyes didn’t begin to explain this.
Here is an example of some of the moves you would do on the TRX:


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Yup, using that body weight to kick your own toosh.
What moves did i do? Well going from left to right/top to bottom i’ve done #1, 3, 4, & 7 along with a few more. I will admit that actually TRUSTING that this thing is not going to unhinge itself from the wall was half the battle. Once i got over my trust issues i really enjoyed the workout and the next day i was feeling it in my arms from really pushing myself.
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Basically, i want some TRX equipment in my garage/home gym {that i plan on putting together this summer with the broseph}. So far we have a weight bench and my 100lb punching bag. I’d love to add this to the collection, i better start saving my pennies! I think it would be a great addition!
This post isn’t sponsored, i just really really enjoyed using the TRX equipment during my training sessions.
Have you used any equipment recently that you fell in love with?
Would you have trust issues with this thing?
What is the craziest form of exercise you’ve done?
girl, i would be scared too! way to go though!
usually, when i'm not recovering from a broken foot, i do circuit workouts. so you focus on different muscle groups every time…that way you never plateau. but right now i'm only allowed to walk on the treadmill for 10ish minutes every day 🙂 hopefully, i'll get the okay for more exercise in a couple weeks! i don't really need any equipment except for hand weights, which is nice!
ummmm. I'm so impressed with you right now. That sutff is inTENSE. And I can't blieve you've done the exercise in pictures #1! That one looks like one of the more difficult ones. get it girl.
So how long have you been using TRX? and how long have you had a trainer!? so cool!
That looks like such a fun way to workout!
gotta try this trx equipment, need a change in my workout routine. thanks for sharing
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Uh. No. Like seriously, that shiz looks crazy!!
We don't have that type of equipment in my gym, but we had a makeshift one that my friend, Moj, (who is like a personal trainer) put together and I tried doing pushups (#7) and it was hard. So HUGE kudos to you. I think for me it was getting over my fear of falling & believing I was capable of doing it.
I don't know if it's crazy in the traditional sense but I've done Insanity before and that is hard.hard.hard. stuff. A lot of it is plyometrics and using your own body weight and well, I gots plenty of body weight so it's always a workout!
So glad you were able to link up! See you next Tuesday, right?
NEVER heard of TRX, but looks intense, especially since you're using your own body weight!! I think you should totes invest in some equipment to do this training at home! Doen't look like it could be that much, right?!?!
Get it gooooorl… keep working, keep sweating, and keep losing!! Proud of you!!
I'd probably have the same trust issue, haha! But I'm so glad you enjoyed it! 🙂
That looks/sounds CRAZY hard! You go, girl! All I do is elliptical and a few weights…hahah.
Good for you, girl! That looks intense!!! 🙂
Yeah!! TRX. That is exactly what we did in the bootcamp classes I used to take – and i really miss those classes. They are awesome. 🙂 Gotta get back to it!
GO you!
This is so crazy! Girl, you are BRAVE! the ones you've done are some of the craziest! So amazed that you put yourself out there like this — letting people see you do this haha I'd be too scared.