back in may I shared some progress on my weight loss journey.
and since may…I’ve been maintaining.
and I’m frustrated by it.
really I am.
I know I shouldn’t be, because honestly maintaining is something I need to learn.
maintaining is a good thing – a healthy thing.
but I still have 20lbs to go until my goal weight.
and I don’t want to be stuck maintaining!
ok let me reel back and explain why I’m frustrated.
you see, this has become a lifestyle change for me.
I have gotten to a place where I enjoy working out (weird right?)
I like feeling stronger, healthier, and more ABLE.
there is just something awesome about busting out some power squats.
I like weight lifting, I enjoy sweat pouring down my back and into my eyes, I actually don’t mind burpees (I know, who am I?!).
well…over a month ago (probably 6 weeks?) I had a HORRIBLE muscle spasm in my right calf. this wasn’t your every day charlie horse (I get those too)…this lasted like 2 1/2 minutes, blinding pain, almost passed out, and couldn’t walk even close to normal for three days after. after doing some research it looked like I had a calf strain. so I waited, three weeks, with light exercise and low impact (swimming). then one Friday I had enough so I did a workout in my garage, lots of jumping jacks, and that night I had a charlie horse in my left leg.
since then my calf’s would get tense here and there, and I have been terrified to over work them.
I’ve done everything – lots of water, taking magnesium supplements, bananas out of the wazoo, etc.
I finally had enough and went to a doctor (around two weeks ago).
she did a full blood panel, urine analysis, etc.
everything came out fine.
no diabetes, no dehydration, everything was great.
so why are my legs still tense? I asked in full on frustration.
because you’ve overworked them she replied. take it easy for a while.
my mind started racing, “I’m going to gain it all back, I don’t want to loose what I’ve worked hard for, I don’t want to take steps back in my cardio/strength gains”
I was so completely overwhelmed.
^^ that probably makes me sound like a drama queen.
and to a degree, you’re right…total drama queen moment.
I’m still struggling with the fact that I’ve overworked my body.
that I’ve put too much pressure on it (because I want to be stronger).
so this is about swallowing pride, and accepting that I can’t do everything.
and that I have to rest.
most importantly this is showing me to try other types of exercise.
instead of my HIIT workouts (that consist of a lot of jumping jacks, jump squats, burpees etc) I have been doing blogilates and boy is it killer. Cassey kicks my butt. I have been boxing on sunday nights for three hours and have been doing lots of stretches.
this isn’t what I’m used to…my “normal routine”
but I think this is good.
it’s good progress.
because I’m learning to target other muscle groups and how to stay healthy through an injury.
even though I get frustrated, I know it is for the best.
that is just where I am right now.
being 100% honest in saying that having an injury blows.
being 100% honest in saying that I’ve learned I was complacent in my workout routine, and I really did need to switch it up. so here’s to looking more on the positive side of things!
what about you?
where are you at in your healthy life journey?
have you had to find a new way to work through an injury before?
share your stories.
share your heart!
You look great! And you're doing a great job even if you can't work out the same way you were. You're trying hard and it shows!
I know you know this…but you look great! This healthy lifestyle IS such an accomplishment! 🙂
As for the cramping…I have to tell you about this. When my brother was growing up he played football. Along with bananas and oranges and whatever else they do, my Mom had him drinking this concoction: 1/4 tsp. sea salt per quart of water. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.
Now. If you are NOT sweating a lot this is "dangerous" (too much sodium). But, if you are and you're working your muscles, this helps with getting the sodium you need, muscle cramps, and helping you retain the water you need as well.
It might help you! (If you have questions, let me know and I'll ask them!)
Tell me more about how YOU use blogilates! Do you have a specific set of videos/routine that you do with that? I've looked at it before and Kiki was just telling me about it…but as I told her, if I don't have a routine laid out I won't do it. 🙂
Injury or no injury, you look AWESOME. Way to flippin' go!
You are right, injuries while trying to stay active REALLY blows. I took up running this year and LOVE it. However, an old knee injury flared up like no one's business and it's made me feel like what's a HUGE step back in my progress. I've been having to go to physical therapy the past month or so, trying to get the strength built up in a correct way so I can continue running but not totally wreck my knee.
It's so frustrating, like you said. But it does force you to be more aware of your body and aware of what each movement does to you. Your positive attitude is inspiring to me!
Your journey is so inspiring! I love reading about it. I had a similar issue with my legs when I played soccer in college (I sat the bench a lot, so don't be too impressed). I couldn't walk for like week without hobbling, and my coach said I was just working my legs too hard. Who knew? I'm sure you'll be back to 100% in no time, and it is probably good to get practice doing other things! You have a good attitude about it 🙂
Don't be discouraged. There are a lot of workouts (i'm sure) that you can do that low impact, yet still give you a good workout.
I hope you find something that works for you and gets you out of this plateau!
You look great Amy!
You have done such an incredible job on your weight loss journey, friend! I am so sorry about the frustrations! Sometimes our bodies are telling us to slow down and take a little break. But you're doing great, and I know you'll keep at it. You are an inspiration!
Oh girl, I hear you on how frustrating it is to have an injury and have to rest. I've had three this summer that have kept me hobbling around. I've FINALLY taken time to let myself heal and I'm slowly back to the gym now. So far, no more injuries, but I'm also not working out like normal yet. Hopefully soon I'll be back to normal, though. And hopefully you will heal up quickly too! I know it's frustrating to want to do more and feel like your body won't come along for the ride.