i’ve been working towards one of my june goals – getting in the word consistently.
it’s something you don’t realize how far you’ve gone until you start staring it in the face.
630am – cup of coffee next to me – she reads truth open on the ipad – and sleep in the corners of my eyes. my body is waking up, my mind expanding, my heart listening.
i’ve always been a morning person.
waking up, turning on some music, being incredibly productive before 10am.
i never really understood why i was wired that way.
until recently.
God wired me for mornings so i would spend them with Him.
what time did He wire you for?
i sometimes feel weird talking about where i am spiritually (not in an ashamed weird, just in a i really want to explain this right and i don’t think i’m giving it justice weird).
i believe i’m a seasoned believer.
i’ve gone through some serious trials – and some trials i have yet to face.
my faith has been tested – and i’ve failed and triumphed.
i pray.
i cry.
i sin.
i scream.
i beg.
i rejoice.
i…haven’t listened in a while.
prayer is important – essential really.
when i need to really connect with God i use this book as a guideline.
when i need to really connect with God i use this book as a guideline.
it shows you how to use imaginative prayer to build a deeper foundation – it was life changing for me.
prayer is essential – so is listening.
i’ve spent the last few mornings after going through a devotional praying for God to empty my mind, encircle me with protection, and to speak to me (through words, images, sounds, etc). while i have no right to demand God to speak; as His child i’m crying out for His guidance, for His direction, for His wisdom.
in the stillness i find myself empty.
void of thought.
void of distraction.
hearing only my fan pulse against the air.
then it happened….one word.
and again this morning…
followed by a bright light.
i sat there…still listening…and nothing.
God what does that mean? what does it mean….show me.
God what does that mean? what does it mean….show me.
so i end my moment in thanks.
open my eyes.
and start thinking – start assessing.
wait on what? on direction? on emotions? on a new path? on what God?!
then it slowly started to piece itself together.
followed by light.
while i still need to pray about what God is revealing to me…i think i’ve come to a small conclusion.
the bright light is a new start – a new beginning in something (not sure what) and i need to wait for it. not wait with impatience or with a bitter heart – but wait in the stillness with joy, with patience, and with my foundation being built on God.
one word – so much meaning.
what is God teaching you?
see other frankly friday posts here.

I feel that I am in a waiting pattern also and this post is wonderful. I spent some time today sharing with God that I'm inpatient. I know that I am. He only wants the best for us but we have to wait until he is ready. Can't wait to see what happens for you.
Beautifully written. I've actually been thinking of you lots lately (weird, much?) and am now going to start praying for you, too. I know that God is moving and doing great things in and through you and it's so cool to hear and read about these times when you so vividly feel Him at work. Waiting is something that I feel God's constantly trying to instill in me so it's also kind of cool to see Him teaching someone else about waiting, too. 🙂
p.s. I totally know how it feels to not be able to put to words exactly how you're doing spiritually. I kind of feel like I'm all over the place lately so I haven't done an update of sorts lately!
This is good Amy. 🙂 Glad you are connecting with God!
Waiting is rarely fun but always worth it!