i feel like twenty-five went by in a blur.
it was a whirlwind.
i went on date(s) (ok like with two guys haha), started writing fiction again, stepped out of my comfort zone, met new people, started the you are lovely series, i’ve struggled with singleness, i’ve found joy in the every day things, i’ve had my sins thrown in my face, i’ve grown, i’ve triumphed, i’ve fallen, i’ve…learned. and through it all God has been harping on me one thing: He is steadfast.
so let’s do a little “yearly advice” like i did when i turned twenty five.
1. make yourself a priority.
2. it’s ok (and sometimes needed) to say no.
3. you are meant to be set apart.
1. make yourself a priority.
i wish i had learned this sooner.
you are important. everything about you is important. your mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, and physical health all carry such a beautiful weight in balancing out your life. age 25 really showed me to take my life back and get healthy. i started my weight loss journey, cut unhealthy relationships, learned new things about myself, followed some adventure, enjoyed the sunshine and the rain. AMY is important – i am important…that has taken me so long to truly believe (and satan tries to tell me the lies that i am not important, but i’m trying not to listen). my life (and yours) has infinite value, and i have to take care of myself.
2. it’s ok (and sometimes needed) to say no.
yes, you can say no.
i learned i needed to say no to certain things, and people.
NO to unhealthy food addictions that have plagued me for years.
NO to sitting lazily on my bum when i needed to burn some calories.
NO to the ex boyfriend(s) who turned their ugly heads back into my life (ok, so that took some time and mistakes to say no to)
NO to the people who drug me down.
NO to that invitation because i needed to focus on me for a night.
NO to the devil when he tempted me.
NO to the daily internal battle of hating myself.
^ these are all still a process to me. and i’m learning and growing and struggling through them. i know it will take time and effort and sometimes failure, but praise God i’m learning.
3. you are meant to be set apart.
this was a hard pill for me to swallow this past year.
as a christian i’ve always been told how we are to be set apart, that as a christian we are held to a higher standard. i’ve always known it to be true, and have followed it here and there over the years – but this past year i really really learned the damage of not following God’s command. there were months that i strayed, moments where i really, really hurt myself and my relationship with God. times were just wanted to walk away from my faith and just ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit (yeah, 25 carried some weight!). PRAISE GOD He didn’t give up on me, and neither did my friends. I did a lot of soul searching, a lot of…figuring out what i believed and why, a lot of seeking out affirmation and fulfillment in all of the wrong places.
and do you want to know what i learned?
i am meant to be set apart.
there is a reason i don’t “fit in” with most of the world, there is a reason i don’t agree with social “norms” or with how others act…because i’m called to be different.
when i feel like settling – NO, i’m to be set apart.
when i’m being drug through the mud – change my attitude.
when i’m joyful – continue to praise.
i don’t fit into this world…and i am so thankful.
…after the advice, i figured i might as well share some things that i’ve learned this year.
// i’ve learned i still have sin struggle.
// i’ve learned God is merciful.
// i’ve learned some people are not worth any of my energy.
// i’ve learned God has put people in my life for some incredible reasons and to learn from their triumphs, mistakes, joys, and lives.
// i’ve learned to be thankful for everything.
// i’ve learned i’m given ONE body and i need to keep it healthy.
// i’ve learned to appreciate the pain and struggle.
// i’ve learned that there are still solid, good, decent, and God-fearing men in this world.
// i’ve learned that i still have that spunk – that i haven’t lost the amy i know and love.
// i’ve learned that God isn’t even close to finishing with me.