a few weeks ago i had a ladies night at my house.
the women from the church all came over with snacks and desserts in tow, ready to share stories, listen to God’s Word, laugh and cry together – and most of all fellowship.
i quickly scribbled out the word ‘welcome’ on my chalkboard outside and patiently waited for the first guests to arrive.
for some reason i always get nervous when new people come to my home.
i get insecure that things aren’t clean enough, that my decorations are out-dated, that i won’t be a gracious host, that ____________.
all really shallow and stupid thoughts.
these women don’t care about my home or if it is “cute” enough.
no, these women care about getting together and sharing life with each other.
i still found myself swirling through thoughts…and i settled on one.
am i welcoming?
not just sweet or funny.
but am i actually welcoming.
do i welcome people into my life?
do i welcome them to share their stories?
do i have a spirit that welcomes them to the grace and mercy of Jesus?
God calls us to have a welcoming spirit.
to be set apart – different.
to welcome other people’s burdens and help carry them.
to welcome the tears of frustration.
the cries of joy.
the hardship of life.
to be a welcoming person in all seasons.
i want to be that person.
i want to welcome others into my home and into my heart.
i want to welcome them into the story of Jesus.
it reminded me of this post i wrote a while back.
fall is here, it has arrived, and i need to follow through with what all God has placed on my heart.
to be welcoming.
and to have a welcoming home.