“i love that the Lord is using small moments to whisper big truths to you.”
i wrote that on a friend’s instagram the other day.
it was just one of those sentences that flew out of my mind before even fully processing all that it could mean.
you know how we are so good at offering words of encouragement, advice, love, and affirmation but rarely let them seep into our own hearts? yeah, me too.
so i started thinking…
…what small moments could God be using to whisper big truths to me?
could it be my frustration and (yes sometimes even cursing) during rush-hour?
amy, have patience and offer grace.
could it be when people in my life frustrate me and make my heart hard?
amy, pray without ceasing and show love.
could it be when things don’t go my way at work and i feel like i could be doing so much more?
amy, you are worth more than rubies.
or how about when i see nothing but imperfection in the mirror.
amy, you. are. MINE. and i formed you out of my own image – to reflect my beauty.
small moments.
moments i overlook every single day.
moments that i have prayed for.
cried out to God to just show Himself to me! – to intercede, to be personal in my life.
and there He walks – showing His goodness to me…and i overlook it.
how many moments have you overlooked?
how many of His whispers have been caught up in the rushing wind…things you desperately wanted to hear but were so busy, so distracted, so angry at something that you missed it?
i’m with you friend.
this Christian life is beautiful and unbelievably fulfilling.
it is also challenging, frustrating, misunderstood, and often times just simply hard.
so when you feel that small moment today.
where you can learn something, where you can offer grace and practice patience, where you can accept love and joy – take it. snatch it right up and soak it in.
let’s not let these moments slip through our fingers today.
let’s embrace them.
and share them.