a little while ago i found myself watching the sun split the sky in majestic silence.
my eyes took in the dark waves lightening their hues – the pinks and purples of the clouds bleed orange and yellow.
i heard the waves lap against the shore in a soft rhythmic morning song.
it was as if all of creation hit the reset button and a new day dawned – and i was there to witness it.
i caught a glimpse of beauty that is so often unseen.
sunrises – in all of their splendor – rarely get the moments of awe they deserve.
and as i stood leaning against the battery railings – staring into the ocean horizon – i reminded myself…
…God created all of this.
all of this beauty
this brilliance
these colors and these forms…
and He still said that His greatest creation is me.
we, humans, are His greatest, most prized and beautifully formed creation.