Would you like to know something I’ve learned since moving multiple times?
Don’t hold back.
Just let things happen and make them happen and don’t be afraid to use something or get rid of it or be finished with it. I can’t count how many fancy candles I had that weren’t used, or how many outfits I was saving for “the perfect occasion”, food I was waiting to eat with friends, makeup that I bought for special days…it is just so much good going to waste.
Light that fancy candle, wear those nice underwear, use the expensive perfume, enjoy the makeup, have the tough conversations, read the books, give things away, purge the unused, and be happy.
We are slowly getting settled into San Diego and I’m finding places to hang all the pictures and decorate and unpack and make this house our home – and yet I find myself STILL holding back. Not lighting certain candles because they are pretty or expensive, not wearing a dress because I don’t think it works for the day, not having a conversation with someone because it may be more in depth than I want to go…I’m just holding back – and I’m tired of it.
I’m becoming more and more conscious of investing in PEOPLE than things. I’ve had it backwards for about a year because community in my life has been scarce and hard – but now that I’ve started building some friendships again my perspective is changing, and it’s so so good.
So don’t hold back.
Do something you wouldn’t normally do today – even if it’s light a nice candle and have a bubble bath – who cares if it’s Monday?!