If you’ve been around here for any length of time you’ll know that I love Halloween and posting about it! This year I went through my bins while bringing them down (ahem, I have like 8) and realized I’ve got a little too much stuff. SO I have already started selling and donating some of my old decorations and will be going through everything again once I take it down.
This year looks pretty similar to the inside last year with a few minor tweaks. The changes are the shelf added above the TV (one of those quarantine projects), a new skeleton chill pillow (love!), my jack skeleton that is 100% pose-able, and the mice silhouettes couldn’t go on the stairs due to the kittens wanting to chew on them. I’m digging the mostly black and white vibes with a few fun pieces scattered throughout!
Enjoy the photos and share your posts in the comments if you’ve started decorating for spooky season! <3