Cassey Ho runs it…and she is enthusiastic! 🙂 Very chipper girl, but she keeps me going and i honestly love her energy!
Here are the videos i did last night:
& I want to start doing this one daily to work on my flexibility
~Down at least 10 lbs but fluctuating between 10-15 at the moment…yay girl times!
~Work Outs: Tuesday training with Tina, and the rest is up to me. I’ve missed boot camps on Saturday due to being out of town, being sick, etc. So overall, workouts have been a flop lately, i just have been busy/sick/excuses.
~Food: HAD been doing fantastic, seriously. SO GOOD. Lately i’ve just been blah. I would say 90% of my day i eat great! Low carb, high protein & veggies, low sugar. I just crash when i get home and i eat whatever i can get my hands on. I’m still trying to figure out a game plan/ life-style choice to make this work. I’m leaning more towards cooking all of my meat on Sunday…that way it is DONE and i don’t have to worry about when i’m going to have time to cook it throughout the week.
. . .
What about you?
Do you have a work out video that you love?
How do you keep yourself moving?
Girl, it sounds like you are doing the best you can under the circumstances! And that's all you can do, really! I'm struggling a little with my dinners right now because it always feels like SUCH AN EFFORT to cook at night and I just want to boil pasta. I need to become one of those meal preppers that gets it all done at once.
Thanks for sharing the videos! I'm trying to figure out what comes after my half, so these might be something I'll try out!
Hope you feel better soon, love! And congrats on the weight loss so far!
It is so hard to keep it up and then get back on the train after being sick. It's just so draining but it sounds like you're working it out. I mean, you did those videos even though you didn't want too – PROPS TO YOU!
I keep thinking I want to do all my food prep for the week on Sunday but then Sunday comes and it just never happens. I know I'd eat better if I had it already all planned out, but doing the planning itself is hard stuff. I mean, what if I write down fajitas for Tuesday but then on Tuesday I want hamburgers instead?!
Yeah, sounds ridiculous but totes how my brain works.
Way to go girl! The fact that you are doing anything is inspiring. I got sick and then just have not had the motivation to continue to work out. Before that though I was loving Jillian Michael's Yoga DVD.
baaaahhhh being sick makes everything more difficult. But it sounds like you are sticking it out which is awesome.
Unfortunatley I have no good advice for food stuff because my own eating has been not so awesome lately 🙁 and as for exercise motivation.. I just think running is the greatest invention of all time and I really like doing it haha. and it really really helps that most of my friends here also love running. basically this comment is no help to anyone..
Dang girl, it sounds like you need a vacation! I hope you start feeling better soon. Three weeks is just ridiculous!!
Seriously, girl, you need to get better. I don't get what's wrong with you. 😉
Also, thanks for these workout videos. I get so bored with the ones I own, it's good to be reminded I can find some online.