+ I just finished this book and i am already in the middle of the second. I really enjoyed it; there are a few violent scenes happening, just fyi.
+ Just in case you missed my summer must haves here you go.
+ I will never. ever. go back to Sprint. Their customer service has been atrocious the last two months over a bill i was told i didn’t have to pay. Yeah they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into when they threw that crap my way. Needless to say it has finally been resolved after speaking with at least 15 different “supervisors” and threatening getting lawyers involved.
+ I’m a little worried about only taking a carry on suitecase and backpack for the trip. I might need this.
+ DO YOU have any traveling tips? I need them. 😉
+ I love summer swim league…i do not love that it means i rarely have a place to park at my own house. My brother has to put out an orange cone and everything to save me a spot.
+ Y’all really made me feel loved with your comments. Writing is so fun for me, but 99% of the time i have no idea what i’m doing {just like taking pictures}
+ I’m not sure if i should take my dslr with me on the trip. Hiking + Rain + Carrying the thing in a bookbag makes me a little nervous. Any thoughts/suggestions?
+ This heat needs to e.n.d. & it’s only the beginning of summer.
The last two days have been stifling and humid and just oh my gosh gross.
I’m trying to pick a paint color and ummm…it’s harder than i thought.
I want something bold; but it’s a smaller space with a dinky light (that will eventually change).
+ I’m throwing a little going away party on Saturday for my bestie Beverly.
Her & Hannah are two of my 3 traveling companions for the trip.
They will be living in London for 3 months then they are sent out for another 3 months to an undisclosed location. Spreading the Gospel!
Feel free to donate to their cause. 🙂
+ Is it weird that Maria (the roomie) and I BOTH had dreams of beating each other up?! ha. Weird.
It was really funny because as i was telling her about my dream this morning she said, uh that’s weird i totally dreamed i fought you too. 🙂 Ahhhhh roomie love.

If you wrote a post this week that was particularly frank…link up!
I always decide last minute not to take my dslr on trips, but then I regret it because I find so many things I want to photograph. But when I take it with me, I don't usually take any pictures so it's a waste of space! haha.
And oh my! I LOVE that first green color on your wall!
I like those bottom three paint colors (the green isn't my favorite)…can't choose between them!
Cell phone companies are ridiculous. No wonder more people are switching to pre-paid phones with no contracts. We used pre-paid ones and it's much easier.
My best traveling tip is that it's better to be safe than sorry. If you think you MIGHT need something, take it.
I always bring my DSLR. It's a bummer carrying it since it's so bulky, but I almost always regret leaving it at home when I do.
Oh man… traveling with a dslr can be a pain but I have a feeling you'd totally regret it if you didn't take it. I have a small camera bag that fits in my backpack. It allows me to take the essentials and leave the rest at home.
If you are worried about rain/weather I would suggest taking some ziplock bags so that you can put your camera in one (or three) and the in your camera bag and then in your backpack.
I think the pictures you take will be worth taking it along! Take lots of plastic shopping bags and shove them into your camera bag in case of rain. I usually rip a hole in the bottom so the lens can stick out and just use the open end of the bag for the screen.
I like the turquoise and the orange colors! So bold and gorgeous 🙂
The lugging around of stuff is the hardest part about traveling! I'm always packing too much and having to deal with it. If you figure that out – I need YOUR tips.
I'm probably the last person to give tips. I love traveling and I'm naive. Soooo naive. I talk to all kinds of strange people, take pictures, and think the best of every place and every person. So far, so good….But afterwards I always realize that I've done something stupid.
You picked some BOLD colors! The third (tealish one) is in my comfort zone…and that dark color at the bottom is pretty awesome too. But for a small space, it might be a tad dark.
If you're comfortable with your DSLR and are confident you'll get the pictures you want, take it. Otherwise, a point and shoot will be better because of the space/nerve wracking fear of breaking your other one.
Enjoy your weekend and don't beat up ANY of your friends or the crazy swimmers even if they run over your orange cone! 🙂 Or me…for writing this insanely long comment!
So much to say to each of these points but my brain won't function properly so I'll keep it short and sweet. 😉
I personally don't think I'd take a DSLR since you're going to be in rain. It would be HORRIBLE if it got ruined.
And I like the third color. Turqoise/auqua is always a good choice. 🙂
I would take the DSLR, personally. I think I'd regret not having good quality pictures if I didn't…it will be coming with me when we go on our trip later this year!
Have fun prepping! 🙂
I love all of the bold colors you picked! My personal favorite is the third one, the teal. So gorgeous!
Those bold colors–so pretty and bright! I personally love a bold turquoise, but I know whatever you choose will look great!
And as for the DSLR debate, I say take it! Or ask yourself if you'll regret not taking it. I've never traveled on a plane with mine (nor have I gone out of the country), but living in the Pacific Northwest where there's lots of rain and having hiked in the rain with it, I say take it. I have yet to damage mine with water–although I'm also pretty un-knowledgable when it comes to camera-care. I'm literally the worst at taking good care of my camera…maybe I need to change that now! 🙂
I hate when i don't know if i should take my camera. If i take it, i don't use it. If i don't take it, i wish i had it! Haha. I'm sorry… that was no help!
As for paint color? I like the third one from the top. When i was working for the photographer we painted the office bathroom that color… it was small… but it looked great!
I like the 3rd paint color best…but for a darker smaller room the coral-ish one might be better? Not sure… but can't wait to see what you pick!
Thanks for the Fissure review. I just added it to my to-read list! 🙂
I know how you feel about traveling with the DSLR… I've had the same thoughts about taking it to Italy this August. But I've decided that I do indeed want to bring it. I'll just carry it by hand most of the time so I don't have to worry about it getting jostled in my bag. And I have no idea what I will do about rain… just hope it doesn't happen, haha!
I like the third color from the top (the teal color). It's pretty! 🙂
ooooh i love that blue…third from the top. it wouldn't be too dark in a small place with little light 🙂