i’ve been processing a lot lately.
words, thoughts, lyrics, conversations…everything is just filtering in and out and some of it is weighing heavy.
the truth is – life gets hard.
we get busy, run down, journals full of lists to scratch off – things that make us feel important, cared for, even sometimes defining our worth.
i dont know about you, but sometimes i would like to have a pause button.
hit that sucker and sink into the couch for a few minutes to unwind.
to sit in a silent house with no expectations and reprioritize.
to have a moment to feel full of hope.
each season in life i feel like we’re meant to learn something.
right now, i’m wrestling through a few lessons, some i’m gaining momentum, others i’m loosing traction – so life goes on.
within the last week i’ve been looking into the word hope.
so how do we have hope?
how can we feel it if we’re so full of other expectations, needs, and to-do lists.
how can we really feel hopeful in the midst of an uncertain situation?
even if only for a moment.
turn off the music, the tv, the background noise.
walk into a quiet space and breathe.
if your home is chaotic – go to a park.
find some place to slow down, unplug, and think.
seperating ourselves from chaos brings perspective.
we are so consumed with noise that we rarely know what to do with ourselves in silence.
silence can be scary.
it gives our minds a chance to really think, without abandon, and touch on things we might want to forget. silence is key.
to find hope, you first have to see what it looks like.
and it isn’t found when you’ve busied yourself to the point of constant noise.
embrace the silence and everything that comes with it.
yes. pray.
i know that everyone who reads my blog doesn’t believe in God – but i’m never one to hide my faith.
having hope is found and grounded in prayer.
when life is overwhelming and you can’t see the beautiful hues of the sunset you pray for sharper vision. you pray for hope.
if you’re feeling hopeless – pray for God to bring you hope.
always pray – without ceasing. (1 thessalonians 5:17)
when you help others, you help your own heart.
take your focus off of yourself and put it on others.
are you struggling with stress at work? help a coworker.
are you frustrated with loving your family? do something kind for them.
are you overwhelmed each day? call and talk to a friend about their life.
when we invest in others, our current struggles grow dim.
i’m sure there have been thousands of articles written on how to find hope and keep it.
we’re a generation searching for hope.
i’ve just touched on a few life lessons i’ve learned so far in 25 years and i’m sure if i was to read this in 10 years i would have edits to make and points to add.
we are all constantly learning – and in the process trying to remain hopeful.
for me, my hope is ultimately found in God – in His promise and provision.
if i’m being 100% honest, without God in my life hope would feel like a fictitiousstory.
He brings me hope, daily.
and i give Him praise.

Amen!!! I love what you said at the end – "He brings me hope, daily. And I give Him praise."
I'm glad to know Him and to be known by Him….Life would be so different in a terrible way.
Feeling quite overwhelmed myself these days – wrote about it last week – so I've been working on filling my life with more silence, becoming unplugged and learning to invest more in others than the chaos of my to do list. It's a challenge but it's ultimately worth it. Thanks for sharing this list – it was definitely an encouragement to me today.
Seriously, thanks for this. I was just sitting here at work feeling like I'm going to crumble under the pressure of several things in my life. And then I read your post and I feel some courage being mustered in my heart to keep going, to re-focus and find my Strength again.
Thanks 🙂
I'm waaaay behind in my blog reading but I picked a perfect day to come back and revisit your blog.
What a wonderful post, Amy. Thanks so much for sharing this. I've been struggling with a need for hope lately and I think this definitely helped me find it again!
So true about getting out of your "normal," whether it's your office/house, etc. For me that's simply walking outside for a few minutes and I feel a huge weight lifted. Plus, I always feel God nearby more when I'm outdoors. I guess it's being in his creation?!
Ah I love this. Amen to embracing the silence and slowing down. I feel like I always have to listen to something, like the tv or my iPod or radio, what have you. And I always have to be doing something. If not I feel lazy.
But honestly, that's what keeps us sane is those moments of peace and relaxation.
I love this. Such great reminders! Thanks for sharing!
Well said, well said. I love reading these kinds of "tips and tricks" posts because it always makes me think "why didn't I do a post on that?" I've honestly been struggling with having true, constant hope as of late and was so encouraged by your wisdom. Yep, definitely including it in this week's bits and pieces! 🙂
This is so good. I can relate to everything that you just said. On the days when everything seems so unsure and all I can cling to is God are the days I am aware of His unfailing love and faithfulness the most. He is my hope!
Amen. Love these tips girl. And that last line… so true!
Love all of these reminders and encouragements. I often have hope…for lots of things. But, half of the time I have to look at the things I'm hoping for. Are they actually things that I need to be hoping for? It's a hard thing, and a daily thing, discerning which hopes are mine and which are God's. And finding out whether my hopes are actually going to be good and fruitful in my life. Did any of that make sense? I'm not sure. All I know is that I hope for a lot and with hope comes waiting and I think that is my main issue. Waiting.
YES! I've been SOOOOO lacking in the "invest" part. Going to do something about it TODAY!
Great post Amy!