what do you rest in?
“i’m learning that all too often i put my value in the work of my hands or the imaginary commandments i keep.” . . . “our work is good, a gift from God. routine is needed and helpful. but without a strong faith in the work of Christ, we will never be able to truly enjoy the rest that God has for us. deep, soul rest that speaks not only to how we spend our seventh days, but the how we view ourselves every moment of every day.” . . . “the rest God calls us into is restorative and real.”
. . . “He has already assigned you more worth than you could ever create or accumulate!”
– she reads truth
// what do i rest in? where does my worth come from?
honestly, lately, myself. i’ve been relying on me far too often. I expect things to get things right, to provide for myself, to _____.
i’m not resting in God.
i’m not finding my worth and value in God.
& i know that trying to find it elsewhere is in vain – yet i do it.
that is so hard for me to fully swallow.
how can i have worth?
when all i do is sin and practice hateful tendencies and greedy characteristics.
i’ve found with my competitive nature it is always more, more, more.
more workouts, more strict dieting, more nice house things,
more meaningful conversations, more attention, more, more. more!
i see and know how dangerous that mindset is.
how it gets me nowhere but pain and more sin.
so i need a re-haul of thinking.
being competitive isn’t bad by itself – but i’ve taken it too far.
i can’t compete for God’s love, mercy, grace, or worth.
scripture tells me He gives it to me freely.
i just have to accept it.
remember my salvation – and accept it.
and rest in it.
so why do i run?
why have i placed false security in other things over God?
am i afraid? uncertain of what is to come? of giving up control?
i can’t live in fear. (neither can you)
i can’t live trying to win everything. (neither can you)
i need to accept God’s love. (so do you)
i need to breathe in his mercy. (deeply)
i need to be flooded by his grace. (daily)
i need to rest in his presence. (always)