it’s been a while since i’ve written something that’s been weighing on my heart. so today i decided to peel back another layer and share what God has been teaching me. there is something beautiful about iron sharpening iron right? let’s sharpen together today.
i was working through the she reads truth hosea study and day three floored me.
it inspired me to bring out my matthew henry commentary and dig deeper into the word and what God was trying to reveal to me. i kept hearing Him whisper keep looking, keep digging, you’ll see.
and boy did i.
“and i will punish her for the feast days of the Baals when she burned offerings to them and adorned herself with her ring and jewelry, and went after her lovers and forgot me, declares the LORD.”
-Hosea 2:13
“therefore behold, i will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her.”
-Hosea 2:14
“before we condemn this unfaithful bride (gomer), let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us ourselves as the unfaithful brides of Christ. and, let’s watch the prophet Hosea as he demonstrates the LORD’S unfailing love for us – even in His severe mercies – ever calling us to Himself for reconciliation and relationship.” – shereadstruth
“. . . and forgot me.” v. 13b
“when it is said, she forgot me, one would think it should have followed, ‘therefore i will abandon her, i will never look after her more.’ NO, therefore i will allure her. God’s thoughts and ways of mercy are infinitely above ours.” -matthew henry commentary
// how often do we forget God?
// how often do we seek out other things for security and fulfillment?
// how often do we resemble Isreal and Gomer in turning our backs to God to seek our own pleasures?
and how does God respond when we ‘forget Him’?
God knows our desires, our temptations, our struggles.
He desires to draw us back to Him.
to remind our hearts we are His.
to whisper into our souls the depths of His love.
to lovingly nudge us back into His direction.
“. . .and bring her into the wilderness” v14
“those whom God has mercy in store for He first brings into a wilderness – into solitude and retirement, that they may the more freely converse with Him out of the noise of this world, and sometimes into outward distress and trouble, there by to open the ear to discipline. He will then allure htem and speak comfortably to them, will persuade them and speak to their hearts that is, He will by His Word and Spirit incline their hearts to return to Him and encourage them to do so. this refers to the offers of divine grace in the Gospel, by which we are allured to forsake our sins and turn to God.” –matthew henry commentary
“. . .and speak tenderly to her.” v14
God allures us.
God takes us into the desert for solace, discipline, and communion.
then what?
definition of tenderly: delicate / gentle / affectionate / loving / considerate / careful.
He knows the depths of our pain.
He walks with us in the desert.
He continually speaks tenderly to us in guidance, discipline, and affirmation.
where are you?
being allured?
walking through the desert?
being corrected/encouraged by God’s tender voice?
keep seeking.
keep praying.
keep digging deeper.
and keep sharing and being authentic with those around you.
God is moving – we just have to pay attention.