today i am tired.
run down, sneezing, sniffling, draining, and just wanting to curl up at home.
on days where you just don’t feel your best – i’m always thankful for the body and the mind and the immune system the Lord has wired me with. i find that even at my sickest – there are thousands, probably millions of people living with a disease, or disability, or hardship that still do so with joy in their heart, compassion on their sleeves, and a smile on their face.
recently i did a little update to my bedroom.
i wanted to bring a little life and color back to my room and my heart jumped when i saw one of these panels on clearance at world market. the panels are originally $45 and i got one on clearance for $22 then found the other panel in store with a coupon and got the other one a little cheaper. i’m so thankful for coupons!
i think it brings a little life back to the room and reminds me of spring.
it’s the little thing folks.
have you made any small updates to your home?
how do you bring spring inside?