+ i miss my friend beverly (she’s in the photo above). her and our friend hannah have been in london for about 3 months so far – another three months to go – with YWAM serving God and learning more about themselves. if you think about it, pray for them and the others involved in this ministry, i know it’s been tough for them to be away from home and their normal support system. plus i just miss my best friend. 🙁
+ umm i’m tired y’all. like: please let me lay in my bed for a solid 45 minutes longer – tired. bleh.
+ have y’all seen this?! don’t read it unless you want nightmares. i’m just saying – i read it and totally freaked out in the middle of the night.
+ and as i’m writing this – tobi just peed all outside of his box. he’s gone TWO DAYS without doing this, and now he’s all pissy and “let me pee OVER THE TOP of my brand new box” just to piss off my mom. ugh – that cat is going to drive me to spike my coffee. so angry.
+ not that i can afford another monthly expense – but this looks really really cool. & so does this.
+ i just looked at the extended forecast – and it looks like the night of the halloween party is going to be NICE AND CHILLY! y’all i love cold Halloweens. It doesn’t feel 100% like halloween if it’s a balmy 80+ degrees and you’re sweating right through your costume – bleh what fun is that.
+ i posted a new piece of fiction yesterday – if you haven’t had a chance to read it. i always feel weird to “promote” that – but i’m genuinely curious of what people think.
+ i get a little frustrated sometimes. listen – i’m the first to admit that i’ve gotten myself to the weight that i have. I’VE CHOSEN to eat the wrong foods – be lazy, bla bla bla. However – this last year i’ve really been trying. i’ve hired a personal trainer that i see once a week, make better food choices, i’m actually cooking more, and i’m trying to move every single day. i’ve lost weight – and i’m at a little stand still right now (my own fault). i went to a store yesterday to try on some of their “plus size” line clothing – i was looking to spend just a LITTLE money on a new outfit for a baby shower i’m going to this weekend. You want to know what? Their “plus size selection” was the size of my pinky TOE nail in the store the size of my leg. AND the options they had – barely anything, and would NOT be flattering on a plus size woman. this is why i hate shopping. because if i want a new top/pants/skirt/dress i have to HUNT for it – that means going to at least 10+ different stores before i find something reasonably priced. because if i went straight to lane bryant i would be spending 40+ on ONE SHIRT that isn’t even in style. so i’m angry – and disappointed. I get it – our society needs to be healthier – agreed. but sometimes people are just BIG and they are still healthy; a lot of times they aren’t but still. sometimes people are in transition to becoming healthy and are loosing weight (*raises hand*) and would like to still look fashionable and cute at an affordable price (like the choice the rest of the world gets). Yet when i walk into a store, i feel ashamed, ugly, undesirable, and just blah. it’s frustrating y’all…and if you’re a plus-sized girl (or super tall, or naturally really thin, or whatever) and you have problems finding clothes…you feel my pain.
+ i’m a little nervous. tomorrow i’m going to be a second shooter for a breast cancer awareness/fundraiser run. i’ll be getting up at 4:30 to be out of the door by 5:15 so we can get on site, look around, go over the timeline and get my wits about me. i’ve never done anything like this – the pressure is on people haha. i’m just hoping to have a good time – encourage those fighting this hard battle, celebrate with those in recovery, and just consistently pray over everyone there. most of you know my mom died of cancer (not breast cancer but leukemia) – so being a part of finding a cure – any cure – is something i’m willing and excited to participate in. so if you think of it, say a little prayer for me, susan (the professional photographer), and all of the women (and men) participating tomorrow.

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– Oh my goodness do not even tempt me with those umba boxes. AH!
– I hope you blog the Halloween party! My husband and I were invited to a GREAT GATSBY themed party, but alas, I have not a stitch to wear so I just sit moping in front of my closet because I haven't the time or money to figure something out. Boo.
– I HATE SHOPPING TOO! I'm pretty short and so it's maddening that most "petite sections" are made up of the most hideous old lady clothes because you know, petite women are all grandmas. And the few stores that carry fashionable petite clothing? EXPENSIVE.
I'm also probably one of the only women alive who hates shoe shopping. I seem to have inherited all the bad foot qualities from both sides of the family (sorry if I sound like a freak now).
– I AM SO EXCITED for your second shooting experience. There's never as much pressure on the second shooter so it's easier to really enjoy what you're doing and I bet the photographer is going to be so happy to have someone there supporting her. I can't wait to hear how it goes!
Ooooh! What an exciting photography opportunity! I wish I would get asked to second for something like that!
That would be awesome to be second shooter for that event! You are gonna do great!!
I completely understand about plus-size shopping!!! Ugh!
I'm sure you are going to be awesome as the second shooter.
Those 32 things the kids say…whoa. Kids say the darnest things. 🙂
Girl, I completely feel you on the fashion struggle. Throughout high school, I never seemed to get out of jeans and t-shirts, even in the summertime. I could never find "cute" things and I didn't think I was cute or cool enough to wear cute things. It wasn't until college that I started getting into more fashionable things, but even then it was hard to find something that was "in style" and cute that was my size! I'm just now beginning to get into cuter things, "normally" sized (whatever that is). But, it is such a struggle, especially when you are in those in-between stages. Keep working at it girl, but never forget that you are already beautiful! 🙂
Um, those Umba boxes look amazing. I wish I had extra money to do that! :/
I am really tall and I have a hard time finding anything that fits. Everything is already short on average sized people, and I have a really difficult time finding dresses and shirts that aren't ridiculously short. I don't wanna look like a
And I COMPLETELY agree about cold halloweens. It's no fun at all if it doesn't feel like fall! That rhymed…haha.
A second shooter for an event? Girl, first of all CONGRATS to that! And secondly, I hope you have/had a blast! I can't wait to hear all about it (and possibly see some photos?). I've always wanted to be a second shooter (or even third shooter, if those exist) for an event, so I'm also a little bit jealous right now. 🙂
Secondly, Umba boxes–yes please to that! I've loved them since I first saw a blogger review/host a giveaway for them and have always loved the idea of getting little packages in the mail every now and then. Someday, someday.
And shopping. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I hate, hate, hate trying clothes on but I also love a good retail therapy session. Here's to actually finding cute clothes! 🙂
best wishes on the run!!
And those umba boxes look so great!! I might have to try that out!
um those boxes…i want them all!
haha…your silly cat. he needs to get his act together! 🙂
oooh, hope saturday was great!! can't wait to hear more about it!
I hope the race photo shoot went well! I'm sure you did a wonderful job!
I'm sorry about the frustrations of shopping. My younger sister is nearly 6 feet tall and she has the hardest time finding cute jeans or dresses that aren't ridiculously short on her. Women come in all different shapes and sizes and heights and I really think that cute clothes should also come that way too.
And finally, I just read that "creepy things kids say" and it was super creepy, haha!
There are so many monthly boxes these days. I could go broke trying them all out. But they are all so wonderful!!
Sorry to hear about your shopping frustrations girl, that is the worst!