We are almost at the half-way mark of December; or as the kids would say we are what, like 13 sleeps away from Christmas Day?!?! WHATTTT where has the time/season gone?
This was my first year being able to decorate since 2015 and to say I was excited would be an understatement. I tried to keep my decor pretty minimal but still impactful and I think I achieved it. I actually bought an owl for Christmas decor back at the start of November before I realized they would be the ‘on thing’ this year. Look at me, being before the trend for once. 😉 I’ve got 3 owls total and the one in our sunroom is named “Hedwig” because we love Harry Potter (shown by our HP collection ornaments every year. We forgot to buy last years because we were moving so I need to look for it on EBAY).
The frocked garland on the console table and stairwell were purchased at a garage sale for $5 a piece which was a STEAL. The Holly berries, red wooden garland, and the pencil Christmas Tree(s) were all from Michaels. I could go into the whole Christmas tree debacle how I stalked a completely different tree forever, got the last one in store and did a happy dance, took it home only to realize it was WAY TOO BIG for our home and had to return it. I was so dang sad until I came across these pencil cashmere trees!
I am beyond excited for Eddie to come for a visit and see the house all decorated for Christmas. It will be so nice to cuddle, watch movies, and soak in all the twinkly lights!
Did you do any decorating this year? If so I want to see it all! <3
I love seeing how people put the holiday season in their homes.