This was such a lovely weekend and one that was beyond needed.
#1 – we got our kitten babies home (finally!) from the rescue center after a little over 2 months of waiting.
#2 – we had my brother an sister in law over for our harry potter marathon that we had been planning before Eddie came home from deployment. With COVID getting in the mix we pushed it back and it was so good to make it happen.
So here is a camera & phone photo dump from the last few days, it was glorious.
*With the kittens:
We got them from a rescue center about an hour outside of Charleston. They just turned 10 weeks old on Saturday 6/6/20, are brothers from the same litter, and are the cutest. They have adjusted to being in their new home so quickly and we can tell they are enjoying the quiet, the snuggles, and the food! I’ll tell you more about them below
How was your weekend?

Meet Shadow…
He is our small boy.
Truly he is the tiniest little kitten and we are trying to make sure he gets all the food he can. He came home with us having 3 ringworm spots that we’re giving him oral medication for; thankfully he takes the medicine like a champ!
What we’ve noticed about him in the first few days is he will be our curious cuddly one. He is hardly spooked by anything, likes to meow at you for attention and food, and is definitely the little brother. He loves to follow us around the house and constantly wants to be curled up between Eddie’s feet with the blanket over him. He is a cuddle king.

Meet Loki…
This is most certainly the wild child.
Loki came home with a small respiratory infection and is also taking medicine like a champ 2x a day. He is our more cautious one when it comes to loud sounds, walking into a room, and new people but warms up quickly. He loves to play, chase all the things, and has the most cute “wake up ritual” of crawling into my face and marking me as his own.

Harry Potter Marathon Weekend!
Emily (the awesome sister in law) came over and we got our prep on with making all of the pumpkin and meat pasties!
These were honestly incredibly easy to make but rather time consuming. I’m really glad we were able to make this happen Friday night because it would have taken away so much of our watch time.
For the pumpkin pasties we used this recipe and chose the savory option and it was scrumptious. (we used the pre-made pie crust in the refrigerator section of the grocery store and it was so easy!)
The “Molly’s Meat Pies” was taken from this blog post recipe and instead of making it into an actual pie we used a larger bowl for a template and made them into pasties as well with the pre-made pie crust. THIS RECIPE WAS SO GOOD! All of us were really into scarfing these down. I felt like I was back in the UK eating something filling and yummy.
(*We used just a dash of frozen hasbrowns vs the cubbed potatoes)

We were able to get through 4.5 movies and started watching around 9am. We made some protein pancakes, had the pasties for lunch, and dinner was mashed potatoes (made by my brother that are literally the best potatoes ever) and the left over meat from the pasties!
It was a great day full of Harry Potter, Kitten snuggles, and chill times!

We spent the morning cranking out some homemade brown sugar pop tarts (recipe here) and they were fantastic! I never want a store bought poptart again, because the quality of these were YUMMMM.
I now want to try all the different recipes and flavors I can find because it was so easy to make!
^I’ll fully admit that these are super sugary and after 2 small one I was sugared-out.
*We also used pre-made pie crusts for the dough!
We were able to finish up the movies around 5:15pm with having a few breaks in between the movies for a walk break or so.