Today is the big ol’ Birthday so that means the annual Birthday Advice post and I’m 👏 here 👏 for 👏 it. Honestly this last year has been a weird one, well it has been for all of us am I right? I’m just super thankful I have Eddie home for this birthday, we can celebrate with family, and lounge around with our kitties.
Really, what else could I need?
Life Advice
1 || You’re going to change your mind.
2 || Do some pruning.
3 || Love your body.

You are not a stone. You can move, flow, and be altered and that means that as you mature and grow your views will undoubtedly shift. Your mind can and more than likely will change on things.
Man oh man even looking back on the last 5 years, let alone 10 or 15, my opinions and views in some areas have taken a drastic turn. As someone who was NEVER sold 100% on the idea of having children (you can read more about that thought process here) I am definitely more open to that being a future possibility now. There was a time where I believed handling a conflict required XYZ and through experience, life lessons, and maturity I’ve learned that sometimes you have to approach things at a different route and change your mind / perspective on how to handle it. I mean the examples in my personal life really are endless on this one.

Not every person, feeling, event is meant to be a forever rooted thing in your life. I always grew up hearing “some things are only for a season” and that rings true all these years later. This can go for certain habits, people, un-healthy emotions in your life. Instead of focusing on the struggle of letting something / someone / some feeling go, turn your perspective to the lessons learned and the joy that was felt within those moments.
There are circumstances in my life that I can not change (my parent’s death is one), but that doesn’t mean I have to always live in the emotional meltdown that it can throw me into. I can choose to do some emotional pruning and grow from the circumstances vs feeling stuck. If I’m practicing un-healthy habits, I’ve go to prune them out. If there are people who I’ve tried everything I can to mend or repair and it’s causing me a level of pain, pruning has to happen. Maybe that sounds harsh out of context but I’ve learned that through prayer and mature guidance I don’t have to always fix things and hold it all together.

Friends, we only have one life, one body, and one moment in time to embrace so we might as well do it fully. Instead of focusing on all the “I want to change this and this and this about my body” why not just walk towards living a healthy life and whatever comes of it, comes of it! Practice positivity towards yourself and your emotions will follow!
I can totally admit this is 100% hard for me. I do NOT do well with loving my body and practicing positive self affirmation. With that being said, this is definitely advice I need to hear more often and need to give more often. Instead of beating myself up with all the things “I don’t like” about my body I need to shift my perspective to one of gratefulness for all my body can do.
Thanks again for being present as I make another year around the sun! I’m super blessed that each one of you stick around even when I’m not posting often or engaging! Y’all are the best.